Brand building

Building Brand Awareness on LinkedIn: 5 Tips from the Marketing Lab

You’ve got great products and services. You know that potential customers can benefit from what you’ve got to sell them.

There’s just one problem: they don’t know who you are or what you have to offer.

One of the biggest challenges for any company is getting the word out and gaining mindshare of customers in your target audience. So, how do you build brand awareness?

You probably already know that LinkedIn is a wonderful platform for building B2B brand awareness, given the professional audience and mindset, but you may not have a firm grasp on the best ways to use everything LinkedIn has to offer. 

Fortunately, LinkedIn Marketing Labs has you covered. The “Using LinkedIn for Brand Awareness” course will show you how to use various organic and paid options to build your brand using the power of LinkedIn. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest takeaways from the course:

5 Best Practices for Using LinkedIn to Build Your Brand

By using LinkedIn, you can join conversations that matter, know and grow your audience, and engage your people. Here are a few key takeaways from the course that will help you do just that:

  1. Define Your Target Audience: One of the most powerful capabilities available in Campaign Manager is the demographic reporting, which lets you see the professional traits of your audience. You can also use the LinkedIn Insight Tag to track audiences beyond the platform and use this information to inform your marketing strategy.
  2. Repurpose Existing Content: Edelman research indicates that customers are more concerned with relevance than originality, so it’s wise to repurpose existing content for brand awareness campaigns. Rather than going back to the drawing board for every ad campaign, take a look at which content and creatives are performing well on other channels like email and repurpose them for Sponsored Messages. 
  3. Distribute Diverse Content: LinkedIn offers a number of free options for distributing content to grow your audience organically. One example is LinkedIn Events, which allow you to build your brand’s community.
  4. Leverage Thought Leadership: Since brand-building is a long-term strategy, it’s important to offer high-quality thought leadership content to earn the trust of key stakeholders and executives. According to Edelman, 49% of decision makers say thought leadership is effective in influencing their purchasing decisions
  5. Measure Brand Awareness: When measuring impact of your brand awareness campaigns, it’s important to know that linking to the bottom line may take time. We recommend focusing on primary metrics like cost per impression (CPM), engagement rate, and click-through rate as well as secondary metrics like lift in brand recall and awareness, traffic to website, or even number of linkbacks to your content. Our course dives deeper on ways to measure performance of both organic and paid campaigns.

These are just some of the insights that you can glean from the course. It offers further detail on the above, and much more. You’ll also learn why LinkedIn is an ideal place to invest in brand-building.

Why Use LinkedIn to Build Your Brand?

Here are a few key reasons covered in the “Using LinkedIn for Brand Awareness” course:

  • Fill Your Funnel: Building brand awareness fills up the top of your funnel by making sure relevant people know about your brand. One of the best ways to do so is by creating and distributing valuable thought leadership content to the right audiences. LinkedIn hosts a global community of professionals in a business mindset.
  • All-Weather Marketing: Because competition among brands is fiercer than ever,  advertising is a solid investment, and the effects of brand advertising are long-term. So, no matter how or where the winds may blow, it’s a smart idea to invest wisely in brand awareness. LinkedIn’s targeting tools make it easy to stay in front of your most valuable prospects and customers.
  • Balancing Brand and Demand: Finding the right mix between long-term branding and short-term sales activation is key. LinkedIn offers tools to support both objectives. In the course, you’ll learn about the recommended ratio and how to achieve it.

Supercharge Your Brand With LinkedIn Marketing Labs

With the videos, interactive tools, and lessons in the Using LinkedIn for Brand Awareness course in LinkedIn Marketing Labs, you can learn how to build highly successful brand campaigns and get the word out about your products and services. You’ll be able to move through the course at your own pace and take quizzes to ensure the key points stick. We’ll see you in the Lab!