LinkedIn Pages

15 Inspiring Content Ideas for Your LinkedIn Page

Woman sitting at a desk and looking at a laptop screen as a camera rests on the desktop beside the laptop.

Whether you’re just getting started with your LinkedIn Page or you already have an established audience, the best thing you can do to increase your reach and engagement is to post regularly. Companies that post on LinkedIn at least weekly see a 2x lift in engagement.

Need a little inspiration to get started? We’ve dug through our internal data and brushed up our best practices to offer 15 great content ideas for your LinkedIn Page posts.

Types of Posts You Should Share on Your LinkedIn Page

#1. Videos

Did you know that LinkedIn audiences are 20x more likely to share videos than any other type of post? Create videos that are relevant to your audience’s interests will inspire them to comment on them, share them in their own feeds and kickstart the kind of conversations that get your page noticed.

Here are a few tried-and-true best practices you should follow for your video content:

  • Add captions to ensure your videos are accessible and watchable on mute.
  • Plan for mobile viewing and record in portrait mode, rather than landscape. 
  • Land your hook within the first ten seconds.
  • Keep brand awareness and consideration videos under 30 seconds long.

Experiment with different formats and types of videos to see which resonate with your audience most effectively. A few ideas you could try include:

In-person interviews and roundtable discussions

Over at LinkedIn Ads, we frequently share shortened clips from previously live discussions. These make for very engaging videos because they’re brief, eye-catching and they feature real experts having interesting conversations. 

Best of all, we can use pre-existing content to make several clips that highlight especially interesting points.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Collective post featuring a video interview

Quick primers (with links!)

Over at LinkedIn Ads, we’ll often summarize one of our posts into big takeaways, then make those takeaways into a quick, eye-catching video. If you do this, be sure to include a link to the full article in your post. Posts with links see up to 45% higher engagement than posts without them.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring a quick primer video on B2B marketing trends

#2. Ask a question

Sometimes the best way to start a conversation on your feed is by simply asking the right question. Try asking your followers for their take on a timely or relevant topic in your industry, then respond to their insights to drive the discussion forward.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post with the following text - Picture this: you're setting up your very first online B2B event. Are you opting for audio only or getting ready to be on camera? Tell us why.

#3. Newsletters keep them coming back for more

Bite-sized nuggets that keep readers engaged and offer the opportunity to read more – what’s not to love about newsletters? This popular content format is available to members and Pages with more than 150 followers that have a demonstrated record of publishing original content.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring This Week in Marketing newsletter

#4. Articles give your content authority

If long-form content is your jam, try publishing Articles. Delivering a unique perspective on timely industry news or sharing a story about how your organization creatively solved a problem for a client will get you noticed.

#5. LinkedIn Events

Ahh – the thrill of creating your content as it’s being published! LinkedIn Events have exploded in popularity and are a content goldmine. Create excitement ahead of the event with posts teasing the live show, then use snippets from the live stream to share highlights and bits of wisdom (which will, in turn, create excitement for your next stream!). Check out our Q&A for more about LinkedIn Events and LinkedIn Live.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring live event

#6. Poll your audience

Polls are a fantastic way to get a conversation started on your Page! By offering up choices that will elicit passionate responses, your followers will be more likely to discuss the question in the comments.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring This Week in Marketing newsletter

#7. Thought leadership posts

Not every post should be about your business or product. You can build thought leadership and authority in your space by taking a spicy point of view on a timely or controversial topic. Find the latest research from LinkedIn and Edelman on Thought Leadership Impact.

#8. Images featuring catchy text

When you want to earn that hard stop from folks scrolling their feeds, punchy statements are a great way to create an attention-grabbing moment. Short bits of wisdom, conversation-starting questions, and linked content highlights make for great image copy.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring a card graphic with illustration of a man with catchy text "the perfectionist marketer"

#9. Product launches and feature enhancements

Keep your audience up-to-date on the latest and greatest of your products or services. Then take the next step and share best practices on how to use them.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring product launch announcement

#10. Celebrate company wins and milestones

Give an inside look at your company’s mission and vision. Don’t be shy to celebrate company wins and show gratitude to followers and customers for helping you achieve your goals.

#11. Highlight company leaders

People buy from people, not companies. Humanize your brand and give your audience the opportunity to take a peek inside your company culture while simultaneously highlighting your best employees as thought leaders.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring a LinkedIn Collective company leader highlight

#12. Drive registration for events your company is hosting or sponsoring

Our Showcase Page consistently drives high registration numbers for our webcasts and our (award-winning!) Live with Marketers episodes.

#13. Promote eBooks

When we launch an eBook, we typically create 4-5 images and videos featuring the eBook cover, stats, quotes and tips taken from the content to extend the campaign's shelf life.

#14. Third-party content

No one likes to hang with the person at the party who’s talking about themselves the whole time. We recommend sticking to the 4-1-1 rule when posting on your Page: for every piece of your own content that you share, you should share one update from another source and, most importantly four pieces of content written by others.

Insider tip: Be sure to tag the author and their company to increase your post’s chances of being noticed or shared within their circles.

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Ads post featuring third-party content

#15. Original research

Original research and insights tend to knock it out of the park. The data from your latest survey or analysis can be used across multiple content types including video snippets and newsletter highlights.

Whether you are preparing to create your first Page or simply seeking ways to optimize and improve, learn about some of the latest features to help you grow your brand on LinkedIn. Explore LinkedIn Ads to drive even greater engagement and visibility for your content