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How to Create a Relevant LinkedIn Company Page

Editor’s Note: This blog post is part of a 14-day series on running successful LinkedIn Sponsored Content. View the previous blog post here.

It’s our first installment of the 2 Week LinkedIn Sponsored Content planner, and we hope you’re as excited as we are to get started. Today you’ll learn how to create a winning LinkedIn Company Page. Company Pages on LinkedIn help others learn more about your business, brand, products and services.

You should strive to make your Company Page as sharp as possible. After all, the Company Page is often the first interaction that customers will have with your brand on LinkedIn, so it’s essential that you maximize your visibility here above all else.

Once you’ve visited our Add a Company resource and followed these simple steps to get going, you’re all set to begin building out a Company Page for your audiences to see. Here are a few Company Page best practices that will help your company stand out to prospects and customers:

Make sure your Company Page is well optimized and includes relevant and up-to-date information. Because Google ranks LinkedIn pages in search engines, optimizing your Company Page should be a key piece of your marketing strategy both for developing a paid strategy and for your overall marketing efforts.

Company Logo

Your company logo is the first visual representation a user sees of your brand. Make sure you’re using a recognizable brand image (like your logo) so followers can easily recognize your brand when you post content and when they’re viewing your Company Page.

The optimal size for a LinkedIn Company Page logo is 300x300 pixels.

Header Photo

Your header photo shows up right beneath your company logo on your Company Page, which gives you a prime visual spot to showcase your brand or promote a special event happening at your company. Because your company profile is meant to showcase your brand both as a product and for job searchers, make sure you’re tailoring your header photo for both audiences -- people looking to work for your company and potential leads/customers.

The optimal header photo image should be 646x220 pixels.


The summary is your chance to tell the world who your brand is, what you do and care about, and how you can help them. Make sure to provide links to your website, blog, etc. to keep moving people through your content ecosystem. Keep this section up-to-date with relevant information to maintain your page’s credibility.

Company Information

Sitting right under your summary section, your company information section is the area where you list relevant information like your company size, headquarters, industry, etc. Not only is this section essential for users looking at your company to understand who you are (both prospects and job applicants), it’s also the section that tells marketers like you about the company your employees work for.

Recent Updates

While anyone that follows your company will see your content updates in their  LinkedIn feed, your recent updates section is the timeline where all of your company content updates live. Make sure you’re regularly posting content to drive traffic to your blog posts, promotional offers, etc.

Showcase Pages

Have specific business lines, brands, or products you wish could have their own Company Page? Showcase Pages allow you to build sub-pages that can highlight relevant content for a specific part of your business or portion of your audience.

For instance, LinkedIn uses Showcase Pages like the Linkedin Marketing Solutions page to focus on relevant content for marketers, by marketers. Members can follow your Showcase Page without also having to follow your main Company Page and you can manage these pages separately, but every Showcase Page ultimately must have a Company Page as its parent.

Now that you’re Company Page is rockin’, learn more about LinkedIn Sponsored Content and stay tuned for Day 2.