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New Study Reveals Key Features of Closed-Won Deals Influenced by Sales Navigator

Understanding how to use modern selling techniques is critical to winning deals. It may seem like a complicated new world, but we looked at over 3,300 closed-won deals influenced by Sales Navigator to uncover four core modern selling actions that reveal a path to success.

While we’ll describe the sales process as sequential here, these actions often take place at various stages of the deal cycle. The end goal and value behind each of those activities remains the same – establishing trust.

Viewing LinkedIn Profiles

Not surprisingly, the most frequently occurring action is viewing profiles. This makes sense. Before deciding who to follow and where to invest your energy, you need to identify the right decision makers. We found that reps who closed deals using Sales Navigator viewed at least 10 profiles of people at their target account.

Saving Leads in Sales Navigator

The second action that occurs most frequently is saving leads – at least 5 per account. Once you identify the buying team through viewing their profile, the next logical step is to save them as leads. In the world of Sales Navigator, saving leads means you will be automatically notified of their activity via emails or on the homepage feed.

If you’re trying to grow an account, for example, and one of your key connections switches jobs, Sales Navigator notifies you of this change, making sure you’re deal doesn’t go dark. Better yet, visibility into your saved leads’ activity arms you with insights to reach out in a way that adds the most value.

Establishing Connections

Establishing connections at a target account is next in the journey. A connection represents a milestone in relationship building and it’s often the result of thoughtful outreach. Connecting with a prospect lowers the barriers of interaction with your target account, giving you a more efficient and direct avenue to pitch and grow that account.

Engaging With Content

Finally, our study found that sellers engaged with content posted by their saved account and/or leads at least once, before winning that account. (We define engagement as sharing, liking or commenting on content posted by your saved leads.)

Engaging with members of the buying team is certainly an art. You don’t want to engage too early and appear intrusive. You also don’t want to wait too long after connecting with a key player before making yourself visible through a like or comment.

While it makes sense that engaging with content happens seldomly, another one of our studies found that when it does happen, it pays off handsomely. On average, deals where reps engaged with their prospects’ content saw a 29% lift in win-rates.

Selling is both an art and a science. Here, we showed you four core features exhibited by closed-won deals. Now it’s your turn to incorporate modern selling into your practice to build the right relationships, win and grow more business.

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