Sales trends

Social Selling Tips of the Week: How to Drive Adoption


Social selling tools are amazing. Automation is everywhere, CRM platforms are getting smarter every second (literally), and reaching thousands of influencers has never been easier. However, advancement isn’t the same thing as adoption.

Incorporating a cohesive social selling strategy into your lead generation and prospecting practices is a daunting task. Done right, adoption can lead to exponential growth and increased efficiency. Done wrong, and it’s a frustrating waste of time and productivity. Learn how to implement, track, and iterate a social strategy that works for your entire sales team.

5 Videos to Prepare Your Sales Team for the Year 2020

In the not-too-distant future, sales teams and the technology they use will be practically indistinguishable. Andrew Gothelf at Salesforce interviewed several sales leaders for their top tips to prepare your team for the future of sales.

Gothelf references five helpful videos that explain the importance of automation, tips for boosting productivity, sales enablement tactics, and of course widespread social selling adoption. Gothelf argues, “Using social media and content marketing as top-of-funnel tactics can create fertile ground on which your sales reps can foster growth.”

Improve and innovate today, and save your team the headache of a massive adoption deficit in the future.

4 Ways to Reduce Seller Burden

Social selling adoption isn’t just about the bottom line. Reaching new prospects and increasing engagement are both fantastic, but new tools are also about making your sales team better while reducing their “seller burden.”

Lori Richardson from Score More Sales, recaps the recent CEB Sales & Marketing Summit and common roadblocks to seller success, including four ways to overcome those common obstacles. “Reps have more people to deal with, and way more technology and tools,” says Richardson. “They need help.”

Software that reduces distractions, streamlines workflow, and makes content and resources readily available alleviate these common stumbling blocks and simply make your sales team better at what they do best—selling.

Building a Social selling Program, One Person at a Time

Effective social selling adoption doesn’t happen overnight. A recent LinkedIn case study tracked the five-year rollout of social selling initiative for a global organization with over 4,200 financial advisors.

Beginning with just 30 advisors in 2011, the Social Selling Initiative at AXA Advisors now includes over 3,000 employees. However, Nicole Pesce, Director of Digital and Social Media at AXA, acknowledged the steep adoption curve. “It didn’t happen immediately with 4,000 people. We knew it would take time.”

The program stresses crucial skills like developing a meaningful personal social media brand, efficient prospecting and referral processes, and social media to recruitment.

Download Building a Social Selling Program, One Financial Professional at a Time and learn more about how to build and grow a solid social selling foundation in your organization.

Embrace the Social Future

The future of selling is social. Buyers have moved online, and the only meaningful way to find and interact with the right prospects is through an active, ever-evolving social selling strategy. Find fresh ways to implement timesaving tools like automation and social selling index tracking to make your sales team more efficient (and effective) and enjoy the competitive advantage that comes from state-of-the-art technology.

Embrace the power of social selling before it’s too late, because the times they are a-changing, and you don’t want to be left behind.

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