LinkedIn product tips

A Whole New Jobs Experience: Powerful Job Analytics, Easy Sharing, and More

With the release of a major upgrade this week, LinkedIn Jobs are now easier than ever to measure, share, and manage. For the first time, recruiters can now see exactly which types of professionals are interacting with their jobs online. With the release of “Who’s Viewed This Job” to our corporate Job Slot customers, we’re providing insights into online job postings that are only possible with the LinkedIn Jobs Network. We’re also making it easier to post, share and manage your jobs.


What’s new:

  • See who’s viewed your job: You can now measure how often your job has been viewed, applied to, searched for, and shared with others. Each metric includes an anonymized list of viewers and detailed data to help you understand the companies, job functions and locations of the professionals interacting with your jobs. You can use this information to ensure your jobs are reaching the right audience and edit job posts in real time to improve performance.
  • Share jobs directly from Recruiter:  Give your jobs a viral boost by sharing them to your LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter networks, LinkedIn Groups, or individuals—all with just a few clicks. Paid jobs get premium placement in LinkedIn Groups, allowing you to reach targeted professional audiences without re-posting on niche boards.
  • Streamlined posting process: We’ve made it faster and easier to post with a new one-page flow. You can add rich-text formatting to your job description, review your job before it goes live, and post jobs on behalf of other team members.
  • Collect applications in Recruiter: Clients who prefer to collect applications on LinkedIn can now manage the applicant list in Recruiter. The list is automatically sorted by match score to help you prioritize the most qualified applicants.

For a virtual tour of these features and more, click here.

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