Staffing agencies

Introducing the Recruiting Firm's LinkedIn Field Guide

recruiting firm staffing agency guide

Over the past 10 years, recruiting has experienced more change than in the previous 40.

Staffing agency leaders have gone from relying on their Rolodexes and cold calling to engaging warm candidates within minutes of finding them online.

More frequently, top talent doesn’t even enter the marketplace. Passive candidates are recruited from one role to another without actively searching for their next position – which means recruiters can no longer post, pray, and expect results.

Candidates have more career choices, and clients have more channels to research potential partners. Both groups are making decisions based on their networks’ recommendations and the information they find online.

And to top it off, your peers tell us that the current market is more competitive than any they’ve faced in recent memory.

So what’s a recruiter to do?

Well, we at LinkedIn couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity you have in front of you. Your talent pool has expanded, and your ability to reach and engage that pool has improved. You now have the social tools at your fingertips to communicate the right content, to the right audience, at the right time. You simply have to harness those tools in the right way.

Today, the world’s best recruiters act like marketers. They’re investing in their brands. They’re engaging with candidates and clients online to keep their firms top of mind when it comes time to make a career change or hire someone new. And they're able to recruit more efficiently and grow their businesses as a result.

We're excited to introduce you to The Recruiting Firm's LinkedIn Field Guide, a step-by-step playbook for putting these strategies into practice on LinkedIn. Download this free ebook for best practices to:

  • Build your personal brand and your firm's brand
  • Engage key talent pools and potential clients
  • Recruit candidates (external and internal) and new clients

The time has come to recruit like a marketer, and we're here to help. In the coming weeks, watch this space for more insights, tips and real-life examples to support you along the way.

staffing agencies field guide recruiting firm

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