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LinkedIn’s 2025 Future of Recruiting report uses proprietary data to explore how AI is allowing TA pros to be more productive, more strategic, even more human.
Employers who focus on employees’ careers have a powerful edge in closing skills gaps and remaining competitive, says the new Workplace Learning Report.
LinkedIn data shows that candidates are still prioritizing compensation, work-life balance, and flexible work, but there are surprising differences depending on industry.
To help talent leaders and recruiters better understand the competitive talent landscape, here's an updated list of the most in-demand jobs.
LinkedIn’s 2025 Jobs on the Rise reports show the world’s fastest-growing jobs in 21 countries. And the job that shows up most often? AI engineer.
In a LinkedIn audio event, three industry leaders share their thoughts about the latest talent trends, including insights on hiring, remote work, and AI.
Recruiters sent 5% more InMails in 2024 than in the previous year, with business development, sales, and healthcare pros seeing the biggest increases in InMails.
Demand for recruiters — which soared during the Great Reshuffle and plummeted afterward — has stabilized and is rising gradually, new LinkedIn data shows.
While the number of skills listed on LinkedIn profiles increased 36% over the last 12 months, the number of AI literacy skills grew a whopping 177%.
LinkedIn’s brand-new Global Talent Trends 2024 report underscores the critical importance of talent and human skills amid the current technological upheaval.
Recruiters can quickly improve their skills-based hiring — and expand their talent pools — by including skills in their job posts and in their search filters.
Recruiting leaders are, more and more, expected to have skills — such as training and development and consulting — that historically belonged to other roles.