Weekly digest

The 10 Must-Read Articles for Recruiters This Week

From Japan and New Zealand to Sweden and Finland, there’s been a lot of talk recently about shortening the workweek. In this week’s list of must-read articles for talent professionals, learn why working less is a hot topic for companies around the globe and how following three steps can help you do more in fewer hours.

Also on the list, check out a guide to building and scaling successful engineering teams, find out why many college students are no longer thinking of major tech firms as “dream workplaces,” learn why “quiddity” is the key to building a great corporate culture, get the pros and cons of incorporating unusual or downright goofy questions (“why are manhole covers round?”) into your interview process, and so much more.

Here are the must-read posts for this week:

1. All Along the Pipeline, Men Promote Men

2. ‘If You Could Be Any Vegetable . . .’ and Other Dubious Interview Questions

3. ‘Techlash’ Hits College Campuses

4. When Black Women Go From Office Pet to Office Threat 

5. 4 Trends Changing the Way You Hire and Retain Talent in 2020

6. The X Factor of Great Corporate Cultures

7. To Get More Done in 4 6-Hour Workdays, Do These 3 Things

8. Higher Minimum Wages Are Linked to Lower Suicide Rates

9. The Engineer’s Guide to Career Growth — Advice From My Time at Stripe and Facebook

10. America’s Best Employers for Diversity

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* Photo by John Fowler on Unsplash

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