Weekly digest

The 10 Must-Read Articles for Recruiters This Week

In the U.S. this week, a Supreme Court decision marked a long-overdue victory in protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ workers. Learn more about the decision — and find tips for ensuring a safe and equitable workplace for transgender employees — in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals.

Diving deeper into our list, you’ll also find a story that highlights the ongoing challenges facing working parents; a guide for supporting introverted remote employees; and a word of caution for those considering moving away from larger cities while the pandemic has many of us working from home.

Finally, as companies and HR departments around the world are taking a hard look at their diversity and inclusion policies, be sure to check out the article that encourages a move away from formulaic, “check-the-box” D&I efforts. “I wouldn’t be doing this work if I didn’t see people transform,” writes Stacey Gordon in Fast Company. “When I catch a change in demeanor, hear a change in language, and observe coworkers being more open to one another, it’s a sign diversity did not fail.”

Here are the must-read articles for this week:

1. Court Decision Changes the Landscape of LGBTQ+ Protections at Work (LinkedIn News)

2. What It’s Like to Be a Black HR Leader in This Moment (Fast Company)

3. Working Parents Are Hitting a Wall. Employers Don't Want to Lose Them (CNN)

4. How to Support Introverted Remote Workers (Entrepreneur)

5. Reimagining the World of Work: 6 Provocative Predictions (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. 4 Ways To Make Your Workplace Equitable for Trans People (NPR)

7. Diversity Efforts Have Become Formulaic Over the Years. Where Is Leadership Missing the Mark? (Fast Company)

8. Meet Canada’s Top Small and Medium Employers for 2020 (The Globe and Mail)

9. For Black CEOs in Silicon Valley, Humiliation Is a Part of Doing Business (Bloomberg News)

10. The High Cost of Panic-Moving (The Atlantic)

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