Get sponsored!

Set up Sponsored Jobs and start driving more applicants to your roles


Start by sponsoring a job or two:

  1. Select your job and click "Sponsor"
  2. Pick a bid price – try between $1.75 - $2.25 (average bid) to start
  3. Set your budget – start with $200 and "Start Campaign"
That's it! Your jobs will now appear in sponsored slots.

Have a lot of high-priority roles? Sponsor automatically

  • Find "Set Defaults" on your recruiter "Admin" page
  • Pick what types of jobs you want to sponsor regularly (Always in need of engineers . . . or analysts in Antarctica?!)
  • Pick your bid price and budget, and "Save Settings"
You're set! All jobs matching these criteria will be sponsored.

More questions? Check out our comprehensive “How To” guide