Why this matters:

WebSockets and server-sent events are two different technologies that define how browsers and clients communicate with each other. While neither is explicitly better than the other, a strong JavaScript developer will have a good understanding of both and be able to discuss the differences and similarities.

What to listen for:

  • Clear description about the two technologies and when they’re appropriate to use
  • Strong knowledge base indicated by mentioning technologies like long-polling and short-polling

Why this matters:

AJAX, which stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a set of web development tools that enables developers to change parts of a web page in the background without reloading the entire page. Candidates should have a thorough understanding of the role AJAX has in streamlining the server communication process for web applications.

What to listen for:

  • References to improved interactivity and maintaining both JavaScript variables and DOM states on a page
  • Disadvantages such as the difficulty of bookmarking dynamic pages

Why this matters:

JavaScript templating is a simple and useful strategy used to separate HTML structures from the JavaScript strings they contain. Strong candidates will be able to discuss the benefits of templating in speeding up front-end development, and making debugging and maintenance simpler and faster.

What to listen for:

  • Specific libraries like Mustache.js and Handlebars.js
  • Sound reasoning for which templating engines are best, depending on performance-critical projects and other variables

Why this matters:

User experience should be of utmost importance to a JavaScript developer. It’s essential that they have the end user in mind when developing a new website or web application. What best practices do they follow for their projects? Have they tested assistive solutions to ensure the website or application is accessible to all potential users?

What to listen for:

  • Experience implementing usability and accessibility standards
  • Importance of performing user testing across various devices to ensure the site or app works completely seamlessly

Why this matters:

JavaScript developers must collaborate with other stakeholders, either on the company or the client side, to create an end product that meets their requirements. They should be flexible but also committed to their own vision in order to make a case for development decisions they believe in.

What to listen for:

  • Able to listen to feedback and gracefully navigate any pushback
  • Capable of proposing compromises or persuading stakeholders to try new approaches

Why this matters:

Since JavaScript developers often collaborate with many team members to move a project through to completion, your candidate’s approach to working with others is essential. Your candidate should display signs that they were a source of motivation and also committed to understanding the design and functionality requirements.

What to listen for:

  • Conveys the importance of diverse viewpoints to yield better final products
  • Insightful, detailed questions along the way to get more information

Why this matters:

When it comes to browsers, user preferences must be considered in order to provide a uniform exceptional experience regardless of how people choose to access your website. Browser compatibility can be difficult to troubleshoot, so the candidate’s answer can demonstrate whether they have patience.

What to listen for:

  • Dedication to working through the issues no matter how frequently they appear
  • Demonstrates attention to detail and passion for delivering an optimal user experience

Why this matters:

The best JavaScript developers have ambition and the willingness to learn. To keep up with the rapidly evolving development landscape, candidates should have eagerness to stay ahead of the curve. Why do they want to master this technology? How will they go about doing it? Do they believe it will help them provide more value to the company?

What to listen for:

  • Experience taking a boot camp, or following technology-focused forums and blogs
  • Proactively taking steps to learn the newly mentioned technology

Why this matters:

Stack Overflow is a popular resource for JavaScript developers, where questions are asked and answered by the wider tech community. The candidate’s answer will show whether they’re in tune with the industry and have passion for their field. If they haven’t heard of Stack Overflow, it may be a red flag that they’re not the right fit.

What to listen for:

  • Engagement with the wider Stack Overflow community
  • Specific questions asked or answers provided to show a willingness to help others
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