Illustration of a doctor in an exam room working on a computer

Why this matters:

The majority of patients that a nurse practitioner encounters on a daily basis will have visited the facility because they’re feeling unwell, so there’s a high chance that your new hire will work with people who suddenly become dizzy. It’s essential that they make sure the patient is OK and comfortable while the dizzy spell passes.

What to listen for:

  • First aid knowledge, leadership, and quick, clear thinking during an emergency
  • Familiarity with questions to ask patients, such as whether they’re taking any medication
  • Solutions such as offering patients water, which conveys empathy and bedside manner

Why this matters:

Use this sample situation as inspiration, but feel free to adjust it based on the scenarios that are most common at your particular practice. Nurses will likely encounter patients from all walks of life, but they should show the same level of respect and concern toward everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

What to listen for:

  • Demonstration of a kind and empathetic approach, no matter who the patient is
  • An effective communication strategy to help the patient get the care they need
  • Critical thinking skills that help overcome challenges to evaluation and adherence

Why this matters:

EHRs are essential to keeping a hospital, clinic, or medical practice efficient, productive, and care-focused, so it’s important that your candidate has a healthy working relationship with EHRs. Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions to get specific examples of the types of tasks they’ve performed in the past.

What to listen for:

  • Demonstrated knowledge of how to document an evaluation
  • Tech proficiency to order scripts, complete authorizations, and order labs in an EHR
  • Interest in working productively, learning and using the latest tools

Why this matters:

Every patient is different. A large and very important part of a nurse practitioner’s job is to be able to ask the questions necessary to get a good understanding of their patient’s symptoms and medical history. They should also feel comfortable explaining different treatment options to patients to boost understanding and provide assurance.

What to listen for:

  • Experience evaluating one or more patients with asthma in a clinical setting
  • Ability to list key risk considerations and ask standard diagnostic questions
  • A keen ability to explain the rationale behind each potential treatment option

Why this matters:

This question will show you how your candidate evaluates the patient’s perceived need and responds to their request for a nonessential antibiotic prescription. Many patients see antibiotics as the only solution to what ails them. But not every patient needs antibiotics, and prescribing them too often can have negative consequences.

What to listen for:

  • Experience with patient education and showing restraint when prescribing antibiotics
  • Understanding of the potentially harmful effects of antibiotic resistance
  • Ability to recommend over-the-counter alternatives or alternate treatments

Why this matters:

The candidate’s answer to this question will demonstrate their definition of exceptional patient care, while conveying dedication to their patients. Knowing how they define high-quality care will give you the best sense of what kind of care you can expect from them and whether their values are aligned with your organization.

What to listen for:

  • Experience taking initiative, assuming a leadership role, and helping others at work
  • Anecdotal evidence of exceptional care, such as welfare checks on past patients
  • Commitment, strong work ethic, and a desire to perform exceptionally well

Why this matters:

The answer to this question will give you a sense of culture add — what this candidate might contribute to the work environment at your practice. It can also give you a sense of their typical comfort levels and preferences in terms of the nurse-to-patient ratio, length of shift, schedule, and so on.

What to listen for:

  • Ability to communicate reasonable expectations as to what the day-to-day job will be like
  • Signs that the candidate’s preferences are aligned with the environment they’ll work in
  • Comfort with specific aspects of your work environment and scheduling protocols

Why this matters:

This question screens for leadership and teamwork. Many nurse practitioners begin their career as nurses — but as a nurse practitioner, they become the people giving directions and must be comfortable leading a team. It’s a big leap, and it’s important to be sure your new hire can make it gracefully.

What to listen for:

  • Answers that show an understanding of responsibility and comfort level with leadership
  • Willingness and proven ability to direct and motivate nurses in a work environment
  • Interest in being a team player, working well with others, and taking initiative

Why this matters:

Nurse practitioners must maintain strong working relationships with all colleagues. Medical settings can be fast-paced, high-stress environments where emotions can run high, but it’s important for employees to keep a level head and focus on what’s best for the patient — even if that means working with people they don’t always like.

What to listen for:

  • Evidence of patience, active listening, and strong conflict resolution skills
  • Knowledge of steps that could be taken to strengthen working relationships
  • Ability to handle personality conflicts with composure and professionalism
chatting over desk with laptops and coffee

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