
  • Munich Re had 20+ related LinkedIn Pages operating independently, which diluted its brand voice. This made it harder for the company to deepen engagement with its core business audiences, establish itself as a thought leader in emerging business areas like cybersecurity and sustainability, and drive leads among niche audience segments.


  • Munich Re implemented a global social media strategy and consolidated its LinkedIn presence into a single, centrally-managed Page.
  • The cross-functional social media team developed an always-on organic media strategy, focusing on key content topics that the company wanted to own. They maintained a global content calendar to align activity internally, in line with best practices they learnt from LinkedIn’s Content Marketing Strategy Masterclass.
  • The digital communications team leveraged organic engagement to run always-on paid media campaigns on LinkedIn. Taking a full-funnel approach, they target broadly for brand marketing campaigns and used LinkedIn’s first-party data to accurately define specific audiences for demand marketing campaigns.