Trish Sparks

Trish Sparks

Director, Sales Product Consulting, LinkedIn

Trish Sparks

Trish's professional career began as a public school teacher, but it was her first job in a software company as a technical support engineer that revealed her inner geek. After transitioning into a pre-sales support role, Trish quickly realised that she was quite passionate about enabling customer success. It was a quota-carrying sales role that allowed her to develop strong negotiation skills and explore multiple sales methodologies. Although she surpassed quota all four years as a sales professional, her heart remained with the pre-sales and customer success side of the software business.

Trish currently leads the Sales Product Consulting (SPC) team for LinkedIn Sales Solutions. The SPC team provides pre-sales as well as post-sales services including the delivery of customer education, consulting, and project management services. Trish and her team are LinkedIn Sales Solutions product experts dedicated to making sales professionals more productive and successful through social selling. Trish holds BS degrees in Education and Business Administration as well as an MBA from Meredith College.


  • Wednesday, October 29, 2014 9:45am - 10:30am

    Strategies That Drive Organisational Change in a Social World

    • Jo Dooley, General Manager, Midmarket and Digital, IBM ANZ, IBM
    • Trish Sparks, Director, Sales Product Consulting, LinkedIn

    You've decided to implement a social selling program, now what? What sets incremental steps apart from game-changing sales reform? Join Trisha and Jo Dooley for a lively discussion about proven best practices and measurement tips to drive organisational change from within.