Shane Snow

Shane Snow

Cofounder & Chief Creative Officer, Contently

Shane Snow

Shane Snow is a New York City-based technology journalist and web entrepreneur. Originally from Idaho, he studied business at BYU-I and journalism at Columbia University, lived in Hawaii, and built several web companies, including Contently.

A member of Sandbox Network and the Royal Society Of The Arts, Shane currently writes for WIRED Magazine and Fast Company, and has designed infographics for MTV, Gizmodo, and The United Nations.

Shane has an unhealthy obsession with pizza and loves science, surprises, and pet ferrets.


  • Wednesday, February 12, 2014 2:15pm - 3:15pm

    Connecting Your Customers With Stories

    The rapidly evolving realm of social media promotes an endless appetite for curiosity amongst customers. No longer do traditional marketing tactics capture buyers' attention. Customer sentiment can change quickly and provide challenges to marketing strategies that do not incorporate strong original storytelling.  In this 60-minute workshop, Shane Snow, Founder of Contently and Jessica Murphy, Content Marketing Consultant Lead at LinkedIn will share how the Financial Services industry is embracing content by sharing stories of both successful and unsuccessful social and content marketing attempts in the finance industry, and how a great content marketing plan can redeem a brand in need.