What’s Trending: The End of Boring B2B
“B2B marketing doesn’t have to be boring.”
For the last few years, that’s been the rallying cry for B2B innovators. We don’t have to be boring. We can be creative, empathetic, dynamic, and still be professional. Loosen that collar. Being boring isn’t the only option.
This all used to be radical thinking. By now most B2B marketers have gotten the word. It’s time for a new slogan:
“B2B marketing cannot be boring.”
See the shift? Being boring is no longer the only option; it’s no longer an option, full stop. Marketers need to leave it behind for good in 2019. If your content isn’t interesting, relevant, easy to find and consume… Well, there are plenty of alternatives for your audience to explore.
This week’s roundup can help you refine your content marketing strategy to eliminate the last traces of boring content. What’s more, you will find tips for producing content more efficiently, delivering it more reliably, and following up on it for better results.
What Marketers Were Reading and Sharing Most This Week:
1. Is Poor Content Delivery Sabotaging Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy?
Great content is a start, but it can’t be effective if people don’t read it. Use these tips from Les Worley to improve your content experience and better engage your audience.
2. Content Marketing for B2B Businesses: 4 Key Considerations
If you like dogs and better content marketing results, this article from Nadine Clarke is perfect for you. My favorite tip: Don’t neglect content’s ability to attract new talent as well as new customers.
3. SEO in 2020: What Role Do Keywords Play?
This piece from Kameron Jenkins elegantly reframes the way content marketers should think about keywords and search engine optimization. It’s a simple ideological shift with major implications for your content’s search visibility.
4. 5 Keys to a Successful Account Based Marketing Plan
New to ABM? This high-level guide from Amanda Retzki will help you get started on the right foot. Experienced practitioners will find a few tips here, too.
5. How to Scale Your Content Marketing: Tips from Our Journey to 100,000 Words a Month
Can your team create a 400-page-novel’s worth of content every month? With the right infrastructure and skills, it can be done. Chad Reid explains how his company did it — and, more importantly, why.
6. Top 10 B2B Digital Marketing Trends 2020
Every January, there’s a glut of blogs about marketing trends. Lee Odden’s entry stands above the pack for how well-researched and comprehensive it is.
7. Fix These Big Inefficiencies in Your Content Pipeline
It’s possible to have too many good ideas, segment content too much, even to have expertise in too many topics. Kimberly Zhang can help your team pare down to what’s most effective and essential.
8. 4 Ways to Upgrade Your Boring Content Marketing in 2020
Neither of the Bs in “B2B” stand for “Boring.” Learn how to spice up your content with interactivity, visual flair, and more with these tips from Mitt Ray.
9. The Missed Opportunities in Today’s B2B Marketing Funnel
Many B2B marketers are failing to address the entire buyer’s journey. Danielle Block explores what’s missing and how to fill in the blanks.
10. Here’s What Marketers Can Learn From LinkedIn’s Top 10 Business Pages
Branding expert John White analyzes our Best of LinkedIn Pages winners to see what elements they have in common, finding four stealable strategies your Page can use, too.
For a steady stream of content that will never bore you, subscribe to the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog.