B2B sales strategies and trends

Get Your LinkedIn Profile Noticed By Taking These Steps

A sound strategy for social selling starts with an optimized LinkedIn profile, to give buyers reasons to nod their heads as they learn about you. Once you’ve created a presence that impresses the buyers in your industry, it only makes sense to get more potential buyers to see it.

In this post, we explore a few ways to make your LinkedIn profile more magnetic.

Use Search Marketing Best Practices to Get Your LinkedIn Profile Found

The LinkedIn search function helps buyers find potential companies and people to work with. If your LinkedIn profile visibility is currently set to private, consider changing it to public so that people who want to find you, can. When you optimize elements of your profile with key terms and phrases you expect a buyer to use, you can be seen in more search results.

Job title: Generic terms like “Account Executive” and “Inside Sales Representative” don’t describe the unique value you have to offer prospective buyers and current customers. While corporate titles may be a way to distinguish employees within your company’s hierarchy, they don’t give buyers much useful information to act on.

Demonstrate a customer-centric mindset by writing a job title that hits on common pain points. If you incorporate keywords that touch on their issues, not only will it improve your search visibility, but it will also demonstrate you speak your customers’ language.

Example: “Account Representative” might become “Logistical Problem Solver for Corporate Fleet Buyers.”

Headline: Your LinkedIn headline is a bit like an elevator pitch; it’s your 5-second opportunity to give readers cause to dig further. Look at your current headline; does it compel someone to read more?

Headlines can be a good place to exercise creativity while still offering crumbs for search engines to follow. Using clear, specific language, describe the essence of what you do. A brief, simple headline signals your profile is an easy read.

Example: Finding profitable channel sales opportunities for tech startups.

Summary: Summaries range from concise snapshots all the way to elaborate narratives. Take advantage of opportunities to showcase your personality and demonstrate your knowledge while being careful to avoid anything that might be perceived as self-indulgent or stuffy. Finding that sweet spot takes a little time. Make it a point to revisit your profile because you will find little ways to improve it each time.

Try to explain your key achievements from the perspective of your customers. Use keywords rather than general pronouns to boost findability in search and give your summary a little punch.

Example: Using a collaboratively tailored solution, my clients average a 30% reduction in waste within the first three months of integration.

Job descriptions: Your work history contributes to the unique set of skills and knowledge you offer customers today.

A thorough and detailed work history suggests a commitment to your career, which can build trust. Incomplete or skimpy job descriptions may raise questions with prospective buyers and won’t help your chances of appearing search results.

Describe your work through the lens of someone looking for a partner in your industry. Incorporate phrases they’re likely to use when conducting an online search for a solution like yours.

Example: I partnered with clients to solve their most pressing [xyz] problems. Through our discussions and my research, I was able to design [abc] solutions that saved clients time and financial resources.

Promote Your LinkedIn Profile to Generate Awareness

Gaining maximum visibility doesn’t end when you optimize your profile for search. Here are a few ways to promote your profile to potential buyers who may not be searching for you, but could still benefit from seeing your profile.

If you use a signature line with your business email, include a link to your profile alongside your phone number and other details. Choose a custom LinkedIn profile URL that’s intuitive for others to use, like your name. Custom URLs help your name rank higher in search, too.

If your company keeps an employee directory, pop the URL to your profile in alongside your phone number and email, too. Directories have ways of moving past company walls, which means a prospective buyer could come across your name through a simple pass-along.

Sales professionals who blog or use social media for business purposes should include a link to their LinkedIn profile on the contact or about page, or and also in the biography section of other relevant social profiles.

Recruit 3rd Party Testimony to Spark Buyer Interest

Trusted colleagues and peers are valuable resources for prospective buyers. When you make good use of the endorsement section, your LinkedIn profile can serve as a perpetual billboard that provides testimony to your qualifications.

When someone endorses you, it shows up in your profile as an endorsement received. It also shows up in the profile of the endorser, creating an opportunity for someone perusing their profile to discover you. Imagine your ideal prospect landing on your profile after just having read a glowing endorsement of you. If you feel you’ve earned it, get into the habit of requesting a recommendation from satisfied customers.

Gain More Visibility by Staying Socially Active

To gain maximum visibility on LinkedIn, keep up a steady cadence of interaction and activity. Like and comment on other people’s content to appear in their LinkedIn feeds, which are visible to their networks. Also consider publishing your own content if you have a unique point of view to offer. Doing so can boost your credibility, and your published post can also be found via search and sharing.

LinkedIn Groups represent a tremendous opportunity to connect with professionals interested in topics related to your field. Selfless participation in groups doesn’t just distinguish you from more passive sales professionals, it can also increase the odds that others may recommend your services.

Group members are free to post links to reports or articles other members may find interesting, or pose questions others might enjoy sharing perspectives on. With a consistent presence, you’ll not only spark new conversations, but you’ll establish yourself as a helpful authority, too.

You can’t count on serendipity. Give yourself an edge by following our suggestions for maximizing your visibility on LinkedIn. For more ideas and tips, read our latest eBook, Read Me if You Want to Create an Effective Sales Profile on LinkedIn.

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