Sales management

5 Sales Email Templates That Send Response Rates Soaring


Unsolicited email outreach from sales reps is increasingly being ignored, leaving some to wonder if cold emailing is the new cold calling. If you simply blast out cookie-cutter impersonal emails for the sake of efficiency, you’re likely wasting prime opportunities to connect and engage.

Based on experimentation and testing, we’ve narrowed down a few templates that work better for warming up outreach and driving better results, even with unfamiliar recipients.

But first, let’s cover a few of the basics.

Personalization, CTA, and the Rule of Three

While it’s ideal to personalize each email you send from top to bottom, that isn’t practical when you are pursuing a large number of prospects. However, with a bit of segmentation (such as by role or industry), you can create reusable templates that leave plenty of room for a tailored touch.

People like seeing their names, so make sure to generously sprinkle the prospect’s name throughout your email -- in the subject line, greeting, and wherever else it makes sense. Customize the subject line and first sentence or two to catch the recipient’s attention and show that you’ve done your homework. As you craft your email, focus on using “you” more than “I” or “we” to stay buyer-focused.

Then, to close your email with a clear, compelling, and pointed call to action, such as “Would you like me to send the research report to you via email?”

Also, keep in mind the Rule of Three. Studies have shown that we look for patterns when processing information, and three is the fewest number of elements needed to create a pattern. To that end, aim for three short paragraphs, include three bullet points, or describe the value you are offering using three adjectives. (See what we did there?)

Now, let’s dive into the sales email templates.

The Common Ground Email

Before writing any email, research the prospect’s social media profiles, Google their name, and review their company’s website. As you do this, look for mutual interests, hobbies, or acquaintances. This can help you discover common ground to lead with and a reason to reach out. Use this approach with caution: you want to come across as having done your homework, not as being creepy. It’s also best to find a way to tie these details to the reason you are sending the email.

For instance, it’s not okay to ask how the family barbecue went after seeing a Facebook post, and then jump right into a disconnected question about how the prospect is handling Big Data. But it’s okay to write an email like this:

Subject line: [Prospect Name], Here’s a better way to fish for prospects

Hi [Prospect Name],

You and I seem to share a love of fishing. Have you considered ways you can accurately spear the most relevant leads for your company, rather than scoop up tons by fishing with nets, so to speak?

If you’re interested, I’d be happy to send you an analyst report that explains how this is a better approach to generating demand and has materially benefited companies like yours.

By the way, have you ever gone fly fishing? It’s my favorite new way to while away the hours!


[Your Name]

Here’s a template when referencing a mutual connection:

Subject line: [Prospect Name], Jessie recommended I reach out

Hi [Prospect Name],

Our mutual connection, Jessie Gonzalez, and I were talking recently about [hot topic]. She said you were an expert on this issue.

I’m writing an article about [hot topic] because it’s relevant, timely, yet confusing to many of my customers. Can I include your perspective, [Prospect Name]?


[Your Name]

The Problem Solver Email

If there’s one thing prospects are looking for from today’s sales professionals, it’s guidance and advice on how to tackle a problem. Send an email with a problem-solving focus and you are highly likely to get the recipient’s attention. According to our research, nearly 64% of B2B buyers appreciate it when a salesperson contacts them with relevant information.

While it’s okay to lightly mention your offering as a solution, you might be better off saving that for later.

Subject line: [Prospect Name], How to put an end to [problem]

Hi [Prospect Name],

Your LinkedIn post discussing how your company is struggling to overcome [problem] made me think of others I know experiencing the same frustration.

What seems to work is when companies tackle these three core issues:

  • Lack of integrated systems
  • Manual processes
  • Unawareness about the latest options

[Prospect Name], let me know if you’d like me to send an eBook my company put together that spells out how to effectively address these issues.


[Your Name]

Remember: your goal is to get a response, so even if the solution is a service offered by another company, use it if it will help the prospect and get your foot in the door. 

The Case Study Email

Many of us seek third-party advice and suggestions before making a purchase in our personal lives. This is even more important when it comes to making expensive business decisions. In fact, 67% of B2B buyers rely on peer recommendations and 41% on case studies when making a final purchasing decision.

You can capitalize on the power of peer influence by highlighting a company or customer that was in a similar situation as the prospect, showing how your solution made a difference. While this email can come off as self-serving if handled poorly, it can capture attention and trigger a response when executed well.

Choose a story about a company and hero that closely matches your prospect’s description. Then find a natural way to weave case study details into your message, rather than just rattling off a bunch of facts and numbers.

Subject line: [Prospect Name], Here’s how to drive X% higher revenues

Hi [Prospect Name],

Your latest company blog post showcases your strategic initiative to do [NAME INITIATIVE]. Congratulations on spearheading such an important endeavor!

As you prepare to move forward, you’ll probably be interested to learn how others in your position pulled off the same project successfully. In fact, I know of [prospect’s role] in three companies very similar to yours that generated an average of 17% higher revenues by using [your solution] to power their new processes.

[Prospect Name], let me know if you’d like me to forward the case studies detailing how they achieved such impressive results.


[Your Name]

The Giver Email

Few people will turn down a free offer. With that in mind, make a giveaway the focus of your email, whether it’s an eBook, a free trial, or a free evaluation. The more exclusive or insightful the offer, the more valuable it will be to the prospect.

Subject line: [Prospect Name], Find out how your website stacks up

Hi [Prospect Name],

Your content-rich website is visually stunning but I ran a performance test that shows it might not be loading quickly enough for your site visitors.

Would you like to see the results and how your site compares to the competition?


[Your Name]

An offer like an evaluation that gives the prospect direct value is always best. But even a more generic offer can still prove appealing when presented in the right way.

Subject line: [Prospect Name], I’ve reserved this new eBook just for you

Hi [Prospect Name],

Your recent article in [third-party publication] on [topic] was fascinating!

We’re hearing from lots of companies that are curious to understand how their peers are capitalizing on this trend. In fact, the steady stream of discussions prompted my company to conduct research into the issue and publish the findings.

[Prospect Name], can I send a link so you can download this just-released eBook?


[Your Name]

The No-Nonsense Email

While many of your emails will help you establish and develop connections, you sometimes need to send a straightforward message intended to drive to a sale. In those cases, write the shortest email possible with plenty of bullet points, quickly describing how your solution can benefit the recipient.

If it only takes a few seconds to get through your email, the prospect is much more likely to read it and respond. Even better – if you are selling to a buying committee, send a group email as the peer pressure will often encourage a response.

Subject line: [Prospect Name1, Prospect Name2, and Prospect Name3], Thoughts on [product]?

Hi [Prospect Name1, Prospect Name2, and Prospect Name3],

Now that you have trialed [product] for three months, I want to confirm you are experiencing the impact we discussed:

  • Less manual data entry
  • Faster financial closings
  • More accurate monthly reports

What are next steps to get you signed up for an enterprise license so your entire finance team can take advantage of [product]?


[Your Name]

While these templates are designed to elicit a reply, don’t forget the importance of following up. You never know when your message gets lost in a deluge of emails or when a prospect intends to respond later but forgets. Be persistent but respectful of your prospects’ time and privacy.

For ideas on how to craft a winning InMail and improve the quality of your message and response rate, download The LinkedIn InMail Kit.

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