LinkedIn InMail for Sales

Why LinkedIn’s Sales Team Hearts PointDrive, and How They Use It

Nothing beats tried-and-true sales habits when it comes to reliably ringing up results. Knowing your ideal customer and solution inside and out, preparing to the nth degree for each prospect interaction, and capitalizing on timely opportunities to deliver value are just a few ways top sales pros set themselves apart. In addition to embracing these practices, LinkedIn’s sales team has discovered another tried-and-true sales habit: using PointDrive within Sales Navigator.

Let’s explore why LinkedIn’s sales team loves PointDrive and how this tool makes life better for sales pros and sales prospects alike.

Easily Create and Deliver a Polished Presentation, Every Time

Fine-tuning visual details and formatting emails so they look good in any inbox is probably not in your wheelhouse. Plus, your options are limited when working in email.

PointDrive makes it easy for anyone to quickly pull together a visually compelling, well-organized package of content. As LinkedIn Marketing Solutions AE Andy Kijinski explains, “PointDrive is a replacement for attachments in a very fluid and traceable environment.”

Within a simple-to-navigate UI, you can create a presentation using a template provided by your marketing team, or by copying and reusing one created and shared by a colleague. Unlike with email, you can be sure that your prospect will see the content exactly as it appears to you within PointDrive.

See how easy it is by watching this short overview on PointDrive.  

Account for All Content Consumption Preferences

After LinkedIn’s sales pros package up content for a prospect, they send a URL electronically, such as by real-time chat or InMail. Their prospects can access it from any device featuring a web browser, whether desktop, tablet, or mobile. Since as many as 70% of buyers open emails on the go, they appreciate the mobile-friendliness of PointDrive.

It’s also important to keep in mind that different buyers prefer different types of content. Here’s how LSS Relationship Manager George Lukaszewski accounts for different preferences: “People tend to learn differently so I might include a tip sheet, a two-minute video, and a link to read something on our site. It gives the prospect options to choose the most appealing content.”

Deliver a Better Buying Experience

B2B buyers are deluged with information, whether from their colleagues, partners, or prospective vendors. It’s no wonder they almost always delete unsolicited sales emails. It’s also no surprise that 71% of B2B buyers want vendors to make it easier to access their content..

LinkedIn’s sales pros use PointDrive to bypass the pain of sending, and even more so, receiving, attachments via email. “Whether a deck, best practices, or some other asset, the follow-ups we send are often image heavy. Combine big file sizes with multiple attachments per email and things quickly get unwieldy. PointDrive is a far better way to follow up,” adds Kijinski.

By making it easier for prospects to view everything from presentations to case studies to contracts, LinkedIn’s sales pros answer the call for a better buying experience. They also boost the likelihood of prospects consuming the content they share.

Improve Your Follow-Up Strategy

Once you’ve sent content to a prospect, you enter wait-and-wonder mode. Did the buyer open it? Did they look through the information? Did they share it with anyone in their organization? It’s a helpless feeling that leaves you guessing at the next best step.

With PointDrive, LinkedIn’s sales pros see whether the recipient opened, consumed, and shared their content. They’re notified every time the recipient opens the presentation and interacts with the content. They can even see how much time the prospect spent on each page of a multi-page document, and how long they watched a video.

With insight into what’s hitting home and what’s missing the mark, sales pros like Kijinski can be strategic in their follow-up. “Through PointDrive, you get detailed information that indicates the prospect’s interest level. You might see someone exploring the PointDrive every day and rereading the content while others never even click on the link. The more information you get as a seller, the better,” he adds.

Map the Buying Committee

As content gets forwarded, LinkedIn’s sales team gets full visibility into this sharing via PointDrive. As a result, they can figure out who else is involved in the buying decision. From there, they can save newly identified stakeholders as leads in Sales Navigator. If it makes sense to connect with these new leads on LinkedIn, LinkedIn’s sales pros know where to focus the conversation based on the content these buying committee members consumed.

Elevate SDR Jen Silvestri describes the game-changing insight she gets from PointDrive: “I love PointDrive, because it’s a good buy-in signal. I send so many messages and before I wasn’t sure if prospects just opened the messages or clicked through and consumed the content. It’s nice to see that they actually clicked on the link, consumed the content, and are interested.”

For more insight into how the LinkedIn sales team uses Sales Navigator features, and how to use them for your own prospecting success, check out our guide, Get Closer to Your Prospects. 

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