Register for the ultimate forum where you can learn and be inspired by social selling experts and industry game-changers.
Join us for an exclusive gathering of sales and marketing leaders on October 18th, 2016. You'll have the opportunity to learn about how modern sales organisations are creating successful social selling programs. Through practical case studies and discussions, you will hear from leading brands who share your passion for transforming their organisations through social.
We have a really exciting programme planned, including:
- The Future of Social Selling
- Transforming Economic Uncertainty Into Competitive Advantage
- How to scale Social Selling
In addition to main stage key notes, the event will also feature breakout sessions, so whether you're just beginning your social selling journey or want to learn how to take it to the next level, we've got you covered!
As space is limited we are allowing a maximum of two spots per company.
Reserve your place today!
Featured Speaker
LinkedIn Sales Soutions