Get $50 toward your first job post on LinkedIn.*
*Please note this offer is only valid for new LinkedIn advertisers. Limit 1 per customer.
Why post a job on LinkedIn?
When you post a job on LinkedIn, you're getting access to a vibrant community of people both actively looking for a job and who would explore a good opportunity if it came along.
Getting the right person in your door is easy: After you post a job, we'll match your role to the most relevant candidates so you can quickly find your next great hire.
rated by customers in
delivering quality hires
Source: LinkedIn Data (US)
What you get
Access engaged job seekers
Every week, 25M+ job seekers spend time on LinkedIn to discover opportunities and build their careers.
Get qualified candidates
Personalized targeting, screening questions, and powerful matching algorithms help hirers receive a qualified applicant within a day.
Reach people you want to hire
Quickly review candidates - and prioritize the best ones with filtering tools. Then, reach out to them through InMail at no extra cost.
How it works
Post your job
We'll help you create your perfect job post, with 137 job description templates to choose from and an auto-generated description based on similar jobs on LinkedIn.
Target your job
Tell us who you're looking for, and we'll get your job post in front of the most qualified candidates who are the most likely to apply.
Review and reach out
Use our candidate management tools to collect candidates all in one place and focus your energy on the best candidates.
With data-driven insights from millions of members and jobs, LinkedIn Jobs helps you make the right hire faster.
Pay as you go
Flexible spend
Set a daily budget to easily control your spend and automatically pause your job post when it reaches your total budget
Only pay for results
Dynamic pricing is based on the role you're hiring for, so you always pay the market rate, not a marked-up fixed fee
Insight-powered guidance
Use forecasting and recommendations to make the right decisions
"Without LinkedIn, our company couldn't grow the amount we had in the last 3 years. It's really exciting to me to not have to do that legwork anymore."
Elena Doudoukalova
VP of People Operations at Insightly