Michael Chalmandrier-Perna

Michael Chalmandrier-Perna

Global Social Media Lead, Fortinet

Michael Chalmandrier-Perna

Michael is a Silicon Valley native and unapologetically finds innovation in everything. As a digital media autodidact, he leads the global social media & digital strategy for Fortinet. Driving the brand from social media 0 to number 16 on Deloitte’s Social Currency Index, Michael has implemented programs resulting in over 130% increase in earned media. He is an internet culture pathfinder, patent holder, and learner of things.


  • Thursday, October 08, 2015 9:15am - 10:00am

    The Power of Employee Activation: Build Relationships and Drive Results

    Social star salespeople -- those who share often and have high engagement with their shares on social media -- are 45% more likely to exceed quota. When employees share content they build credibility with the prospects and customers in their networks, and this drives real results. Learn how Fortinet has empowered their sales teams to become social professionals by making it easy for them to share quality content.