Mike Derezin

Mike Derezin

Vice President of Sales Solutions, LinkedIn

Mike Derezin

Mike helped launch LinkedIn’s Sales Solutions, the company’s offering for sales professionals and sales organizations. He is responsible for leading and scaling the global field sales and product consulting teams. Passionate about how social media has positively disrupted the way the world sells, Mike is an engaging speaker and thought-leader on social selling. Before his current role, Mike led LinkedIn’s Global Pre-Sales and Research teams.

Mike is a lifelong entrepreneur, having founded several companies, including an emerging markets financial services company that was acquired by Thomson Reuters. In between entrepreneurial ventures, Mike advised Fortune 500 companies and private equity firms as a consultant at Bain & Co. Mike graduated from UC Berkeley with Phi Beta Kappa honors and holds an MBA from Stanford Business School.


  • Wednesday, October 07, 2015 9:15am - 10:00am

    Social Selling: How to Unlock Competitive Advantage

    The Sales profession is evolving. Discover how social selling can become a competitive advantage for you and your company. Learn the formula for success that your industry peers are using today, and seize this opportunity.

  • Wednesday, October 07, 2015 10:00am - 10:45am

    The LinkedIn Social Selling Journey - Fireside Chat

    • Mike Gamson, Senior Vice President of Global Solutions, LinkedIn
    • Mike Derezin, Vice President of Sales Solutions, LinkedIn

    Social selling doesn't happen overnight. From executives and sales leadership, to the individual salesperson, the story of LinkedIn's transformation into a social selling organization will help you navigate this journey within your own company. Senior Vice President of Global Solutions, Mike Gamson, will join Mike Derezin for a fireside chat to explore how LinkedIn’s own sales teams have embraced social selling through goal-setting, executive sponsorship, and rep-level adoption.