
Got Questions About LinkedIn Events and LinkedIn Live? We’ve Got Answers.

Image: Two women working at a patio table

For years now, LinkedIn has been hard at work making live-streaming and hosting virtual events as quick, easy, and painless as possible. 

These efforts have led to the introduction of LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Events, two highly flexible and user-friendly tools that allow our members to create, host, and live stream online events directly from the LinkedIn platform. Members eligible to use LinkedIn Live can even collect registration and attendee analytics information directly from LinkedIn and upload it to their CRMs.

In the spirit of making LinkedIn the go-to standard for hosting professional live events, our team is constantly updating and upgrading LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Events to make the tools even more comprehensive and user-friendly. 

If you have questions about either of these popular features, you may well find your answer below.

Editor’s Note: We updated this post in March 2023 to address new popular questions and reflect features that have been recently added to these products.

LinkedIn Events and LinkedIn Live FAQ

Do you need Linkedin Live access to use LinkedIn Events?

No, you do not need access to Live in order to use the Events product. LinkedIn Events is available to all members and allows you to create, join, and/or promote both in-person and online events. Learn more about how to create or edit a LinkedIn Event here.

LinkedIn Live is a separate tool, which allows LinkedIn members to live-stream the events they create using LinkedIn Events directly on the LinkedIn platform without the need for any third-party streaming tools. Unlike LinkedIn Events, not all members have access to LinkedIn Live automatically. If you would like to make use of LinkedIn Live, you must first qualify for access (see how below).

Am I eligible to use LinkedIn Live? How can I earn this eligibility?

Eligibility to create and broadcast a LinkedIn Live event is based on a set of criteria. You receive eligibility for triggering a review of your profile or Page (which you can achieve one of three ways — see below) and fulfilling the following criteria when this review is conducted:

  • Audience base: Members and Pages with more than 150 followers and/or connections are eligible to be evaluated for LinkedIn Live access.
  • A history of abiding by our Professional Community Policies: We want to ensure our members have a safe, trusted, and professional experience on LinkedIn, as defined by our Professional Community Policies. Only members, Pages, and their admins that have a good standing record will be considered for Live Video access.
  • Geography: LinkedIn Live is not available at this time for members and Pages based in mainland China.

How do I trigger a review of my profile or Page to earn LinkedIn Live eligibility?

There are three ways to trigger a review of your profile or Page for this purpose:

  1. Create an event on LinkedIn: If your profile or Page is eligible, you will see the option to select LinkedIn Live in the Event format dropdown. If you don’t fulfill the criteria, you will not see LinkedIn Live in the dropdown or the event format dropdown will be missing.

To trigger a review of any Pages you admin, change the organizer in the Organizer dropdown menu, or the event format dropdown will be missing.

  1. Create an event via a preferred third-party broadcast tool: You'll be notified immediately if your profile or Page has access to LinkedIn Live or not.
  2. Turn on creator mode: During this process, you will see if LinkedIn Live is available to you under creator tools. Creator Mode is not available for Pages.

How do I use LinkedIn Live to run my LinkedIn Event?

See “Getting Started with LinkedIn Live” for step-by-step instructions on how to create your event, set up your live stream, and go live.

How will my attendees and other users find my LinkedIn Live Event?

When you schedule your LinkedIn Event, any members you extend an invitation to will have the chance to sign up for the Event directly from their invitation. If these members RSVP yes to the invitation, they will receive a push notification when your Event goes Live. They can click this push notification to be seamlessly transported directly to your stream on LinkedIn.

In addition, all new events created on LinkedIn are now fully public and discoverable by search. Both attendees and non-attendees can view your content during and after the Event. The Live event will also appear in the LinkedIn feeds of any members who follow the host, just like any other post would. 

You can leverage the comments section of the event post to communicate with attendees and LinkedIn members before, during, or after the event. Your event post will get the same reach and discovery benefits as any other LinkedIn Feed post. 

Can I capture attendee info such as name, email, and company with LinkedIn Live?

Yes. Pages with Live access can add a registration form to their Live Event. This form has up to six fields and will be available for creation during the process of setting up the event. Creating a registration form will gate the event and collect attendee registrations before, during, and even after the event. You can download registration information collected by this form at any time, or even sync it with a CRM platform of your choice using Zapier.

Can we have multiple hosts within a stream on LinkedIn Live?

Yes, it’s easy to feature a number of remote hosts and guests on your LinkedIn Live stream. Many of our third-party broadcast tools allow for remote guesting directly from the software interface, including Streamyard, Switcher & Socialive. Learn more in this quick guide.

Can LinkedIn Live generate any audience metrics after the event? 

It sure can. As a Page Admin, you can find your video analytics underneath your live video in the feed, whether you’ve gone live to your event or Page. 

Beyond engagement and awareness metrics (Likes, Comment, Shares, Lifetime Watchtime, Live Viewers at Peak, etc.), you’ll also be able to access audience firmographics data, such as top companies, job titles, and locations that tuned into your broadcast. No other platform offers professional firmographic insights at this level for live streaming.

In fact, your Live Event can even continue generating new views, engagement, and leads after the event has ended. Anyone can watch a replay of the Live Event at any time after it is concluded by finding the original Event posting — even if there was a registration form before and during the event. To view this replay, they will simply have to fill out the form whenever they choose to access the replay.

Do I need to be an admin on my LinkedIn Page in order to set up a LinkedIn Event through the Page using LinkedIn Live?

Yes, you have to first be an admin of your Page, then you must indicate which admins (including yourself, if applicable) will be setting up the stream and thus need approval for LinkedIn Live. This will trigger a review of your profile for eligibility.

We take these steps to protect member trust: LinkedIn Live is a powerful tool and we want to make sure it is only available to high-quality, trusted content creators with a substantial and engaged audience on LinkedIn. 

Will there be a link to the event recording after my live stream ends?

When you go live with LinkedIn for your virtual event, the live stream — and subsequently, the recording — lives in a post on the event feed indefinitely. 

How can I make the replay available for all my network, including those who have not registered? 

There is a full replay of the Live Event available on the original Event posting available for all members (including those who didn’t register for or attend the event when it was live) on the original Event posting after the Live Event concludes. If you included a registration form when you created the Event, then anyone who wishes to watch this replay will have to fill out the form to access it.

Can I create polls for my audience during a LinkedIn Event?

You can indeed, and it’s a great way to drive useful engagement before and after your event. Consider posting a poll in your event feed to learn more about what your audience is excited to hear about or what they want to learn about next. Note that polls are not yet available within a LinkedIn Live stream. 

What if we need people to register through a Zoom link, as opposed to going live into the event?

We recommend making this very clear in your event description and event feed. Consider using a registration form to collect email addresses from those interested, and email them a reminder to register with Zoom. Alternatively, you can use Zoom to go Live on LinkedIn (the optimal experience). Here’s a helpful resource on how to use Zoom to go Live on LinkedIn.

Is there a way for attendees to add events to their calendars?

Yes! We’ve enabled this functionality on both mobile and desktop. Look for it right under the event’s date and time. 

Can I create a recurring event for serial content? 

Currently, you cannot create a recurring event. However, we are exploring introducing this capability in the future. In the meantime, we recommend creating a new LinkedIn Event for each event in your series for optimal attendee experience and results. 

What kind of ad reporting is available for Single Image Ads promoting my LinkedIn Event?

When using a LinkedIn Event URL as the destination URL in a Single Image Ad campaign (only for select objectives), you’ll get access to view, click, and total registrations that the campaign drove for your event. Learn more here.

Do I need to have a minimum number of attendees in order to retarget the audience with a post-event nurture campaign?

You will need a minimum of 300 registrants in order to retarget this audience.

Can I integrate LinkedIn Events with my CRM or Marketing Automation tools to pass attendee data through? 

Yes, we currently support marketing integrations for the Events Registration Form with Zapier. Zapier is a tool that connects LinkedIn with your CRM or marketing automation platform.

If we don’t support your marketing automation or CRM platform at this time, please ask your CRM or Automation Tool partner to work with LinkedIn to make this possible. Until then, download a list of attendees to your Event as a CSV file from your LinkedIn Page and mutually upload it to your database.

Can I remove commentary on the side of a LinkedIn Live stream?

Yes, you can use Quiet Mode to hide comments and reactions while watching a live video.

Is there a LinkedIn Group I can join for more discussion and information-sharing about LinkedIn Events and LinkedIn Live?

You bet! These topics are a frequent focus in our LinkedIn Page Admin Group. Feel free to join the conversation.

Bring Your Community Together in Real-Time

With all this knowledge in hand, are you feeling ready to set up an event and take your digital community engagement to new levels? For much more information and help to make the most of LinkedIn Live Events, see the product page and LinkedIn Live Video Broadcasting FAQ.