Additional Updates

search filters

New, more precise search filters

Search by years of experience, years at current company, or years in current role.

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graduation year filter

Narrow down by graduation year

Target candidates based on when they graduated without entering a long list of schools.

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see who's open to relocate

See who’s open to relocate

Know which candidates would move – and where they’d move – for the right role.

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Drive sign-ups for recruitment events and webinars with Lead Gen Forms

This new Sponsored Updates feature allows you to collect a list of leads for recruiting events or webinars, collect relevant member information such as name and email, and access leads in Campaign Manager. Get started

Attract more qualified applicants with the right salary expectations

Since salary is a top criteria for job seekers, weʼre now featuring expected salary on job descriptions. Weʼll automatically populate the post with salary ranges provided by members, but to post your own salary, simply include it in your job description.

Only available for jobs posted in the US, UK, and Canada. Get started

Distribute InMail messages easily across your team

In order to ensure that InMail messages are allocated effectively across everyone on your recruiting team, admins can now set a monthly threshold for all or selected seat holders. Additionally, admins can also restrict bulk InMails to encourage sending more personalized messages.

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Reach your employees’ connections and company followers with media campaigns

You now have the ability to target your Recruitment Ads and Sponsored Updates campaigns to your employees’ first-degree connections as well as company followers. These valuable talent pools are more likely to engage with your ads, jobs, and content.