Enterprise Companies
Hire qualified people, fast
Access 15 million professionals in Australia, with products for every stage of the recruitment journey.
More than 5.7 million
talent professionals actively use LinkedIn to find, source, and hire.
Why use LinkedIn to hire
Reach and access the largest professional talent pool with verified data and insights.
Get matched to qualified and interested candidates and build pipelines for future needs.
Boost efficiency with integrations with your ATS and CRM and automated tasks.
Our products work together to make hiring easier
Source and engage anyone on LinkedIn with insights-powered features to quickly hone in on the most qualified talent for your organization like:
• Automatic candidate matching of qualified candidates
• Advanced filters for better targeting
• Recommendations by expertise, interest levels, and location
• Collaboration and analytics tools
Promote your open roles to relevant talent on LinkedIn and easily prioritize and manage qualified applicants with features like:
• Recommended matches
• Insights on candidates and competitors
• Multi-user collaboration tools
• Tracking analytics
Drive awareness to your company and culture to attract quality applicants and build a talent pipeline (accessible in Recruiter) with features like:
• Recommended matches
• Insights on candidates and competitors
• Multi-user collaboration tools
• Tracking analytics
Make smart workforce and hiring decisions (skill gaps, retention, diversity, pipelining, and more) with real-time data and insights and features like:
• Talent supply and demand data
• Company reports
• Employer branding metrics
• Competitors and market data
Find your next great hire with LinkedIn
We're using LinkedIn to shift from a traditional recruitment operation delivery model towards a centre of excellence, where consulting skills are important to understand the work we're doing, but also inform strategic decisions within the business to shape outcomes.”
Barry Harvey
Talent Acquisition Lead
Airservices Australia -
LinkedIn Talent Insights helps the RMIT University talent team have more meaningful conversations and opens up the talent pool by considering transferable skills. It used to take us days or weeks to build a live talent pool. Now we can do it in 15 minutes and then use AI to message them.”
Tim Gardner
Employer Branding Manager
We've embraced LinkedIn Talent Insights at RMIT, which helps present strategic data to hiring managers, providing a clear view of market conditions and talent availability both domestically and internationally.”
Tania Dowling
Head of Talent Acquisition
Companies use LinkedIn to find, source, and hire talent
Companies in more than 237 countries use LinkedIn
Hires made with LinkedIn are 37% less likely to leave before the end of their first year
Resources to stay up to date in the world of work
Future of Recruiting
Predictions to help leaders shape their hiring strategy — with quotes from talent leaders, survey findings, and Linkedin data.
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Global Talent Trends
Data insights from Linkedin and our community around how labor-market trends impact candidates, employees, and workplaces.
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LinkedIn Talent Blog
Tips, strategies, and inspiration to help you hire and develop employees and to keep you informed on topics in the world of talent.
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