Job Ads
Find a high volume of quality job applicants with targeted ads. Links to your job postings.
Source and engage
Find and hire qualified candidates fast
Recruiter for low-volume hiring
Real-time data for your hiring decisions
Post and attract
Target your jobs to the right people
Attract talent with employer branding
Company size
Company type
Advertising isn’t just for marketers — recruiters can use different types of ads to target the right people on LinkedIn with information about their company and their open roles.
After a quick setup, ads can run for a limited time or be on-going to build a pipeline of quality candidates who are familiar with your company.
With Recruitment Ads and Sponsored Content, you’ll see:
• Increased application rates
• Increased InMail response rates
• Increased brand awareness
• Decreased time-to-hire rates
"I don’t see Recruitment and Marketing connecting in quite this way in other businesses.”
Claire Baxter
Marketing Lead at AND Digital
Dynamic, targeted ads that show up on different places across LinkedIn. Depending on your hiring objective, there are three types, which are set up and managed by the LinkedIn team. The Spotlight and Follower Ads don't appear on mobile devices.
Customized, promoted ads — which can feature text, an image, or a video — that show up in the LinkedIn feed. The ad can link to any website. Sponsored Content appears on both desktop and mobile devices.
You can target your Recruitment Ads or Sponsored Content based on things like job title, seniority, skills, school, and years of experience, or with:
1st-degree connections
Create an “automated referrals” program by targeting the connections of company employees.
Website retargeting
Re-engage candidates who’ve visited your company’s career site.
Matched audiences
Target candidates in your ATS or CRM. InMail response rates to matched audiences see a 30% increase.
Candidate “look-alikes”
Use your top-performing employees’ profile to create a target audience. This works well for finding similar candidates.
of candidates are more likely to apply to a job at a company they know
Source: LinkedIn data, 2019
“The preferred approach is definitely to tell the story through the eyes of our colleagues, and we’re starting to use lots of snappy video content, in order to do that. We’re also really committed to testing the formats and types of content that are most effective, so that we can continuously improve the engagement with our candidate pools.”
Matthew Hall
Employer Brand Manager at Lloyds Banking Group
There are many tech companies in your zip code vying for developers or you’re not getting quality applicants
Sponsored Content to show how you stand out or Follower Ads to increase the number of candidates familiar with you
People have wrong assumptions of your company or your industry is changing and you need new roles
Sponsored Content to show why certain candidates would be a good fit or Follower Ads to increase candidates’ familiarity with you
Your marketing team is growing quickly in another region, you’re opening a new office, or you hire seasonally
Pipeline Builder with Spotlight/Job Ads or Sponsored Content leading to job posts
Your sales teams has high turnover or you’re part of a staffing firm with multiple clients
Pipeline Builder with Recruitment Ads or Sponsored Content that’s always on
Your small recruiting team can’t reach out to everyone or you need to use agencies to help manage volume
Pipeline Builder with Sponsored Content to build engagement and Follower Ads to increase candidates’ familiarity with you
You’re acquiring a company or going through a major rebrand
Sponsored Content to educate people in your industry about your announcement and Spotlight Ads to spread the news even further
LinkedIn Career Pages
Attract top candidates by highlighting your company’s culture and job opportunities.
Pipeline Builder
Build a personalized, targeted pipeline of talent already interested in your company.
LinkedIn Jobs
Rotate an unlimited number of open job posts in and out of your Job Slots over 12 months.
LinkedIn Recruiter
Find, connect with, and manage the right talent throughout your team’s hiring process.