Brian Galicia

Brian Galicia

Technical Sales Director, Microsoft

Brian Galicia

Brian is a Director for a national sales and technical sales teams at Microsoft. He leads a team focused on selling the business value of Microsoft Dynamics CRM solutions in today's mobile first, Cloud first environment. He loves helping customers understand the value of business applications in improving their customer experience and using social to solve real business challenges. Throughout his career, he has built and led high performing sales teams that have achieved and exceeded revenue attainment through recruiting and building up top talent. He was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and hold a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science/Business from the University of Puget Sound.


  • Wednesday, October 07, 2015 11:15am - 12:00pm

    The Science of Social Selling: Measuring Adoption and Results With LinkedIn

    The social selling movement finally has its defining metric, the Social Selling Index (SSI). See real world examples of how sales teams are embracing SSI to promote strong social selling behaviors, and learn how companies are quantifying and proving the impact to their results.