
LinkedIn is the perfect social resource for advertising vacancies and making sure they're viewed by the right people. What you need to do as a company is attract those people with your job posting and convert them. Here are some tips as to how you can maximise your job posting to reach the perfect candidates, every time.

Post across your network.

With every job you post on LinkedIn, you want to make sure the right candidates see it. The LinkedIn algorithm will place your post in front of the right people that perfectly match the skills and experience that you require for your role.

But remember, in order for your posting to get the exposure it needs, engage with your LinkedIn community by sharing your job post on your network. The number of applications collected through LinkedIn is, on average 44%, higher when jobs are shared on the network – so get sharing!

Attract talent with your posts.

Job posts are not simply about the job description itself (although ensuring that your description is clear, concise and optimised for search is a must!), but you also need to make sure that the corresponding Job Title, Job Function, Desired Skills and Industry fields are optimised so the LinkedIn system, and the perfect candidates, can find them.

Don’t forget, over 40% of LinkedIn users will be using mobile to view your profile and your job posts, so bear this is mind when creating posts. Keep them short but engaging.

Attracting talent tip sheet

Optimise your job posts

On LinkedIn, your job listing will be served to users via personalised recommendations or the ‘Jobs You May Be Interested In’ function.

In order to catch and hold potential candidate’s attention, it helps to keep your profile as fresh and frequently updated as possible. Update your LinkedIn status to tell your network about an open position and link back to your LinkedIn profile.

You could even blog about upcoming opportunities and topics of interest to aquire followers & extend the reach of your posts.