Alternative searching tipsheet

Searching the network.

With a 31%, year-over-year increase in unique visitors to LinkedIn, you must sustain relationships with relevant people or prospects across the entire network. With over 364 million members, there are a lot of people to search and it’s a big task for any company. Review some of our helpful hints on how you can be more targeted in your search efforts.

Search smarter.

There are 45,000 standardised skills listed across the millions of user profiles on LinkedIn. That means that learning how to search more effectively has never been more important. Boolean modifiers, AND, NOT and OR, allow you to tailor your search and produce more closely related results.

You can also expand the reach of your searching efforts by using the ‘People also viewed’ and ‘People similar’ functions. Connecting with those that move in similar circles with the people that you are interested in means that you open up possibilities for finding people you might not have considered before, giving you a competitive advantage.

Boolean search tipsheet

Pipeline talent.

Pipelining talent is a proactive form of recruiting within the Recruiter Professional Services tool, giving you the ability to centralise your leads in one place, and keeping the information you store about them as up to date as possible. The talent pipeline feature makes it easier to find people you've connected with based on the additional information you have already gathered. That means that identifying the perfect candidate becomes much easier. Developing a pipeline allows you to shift from reactive, role filling recruitment to a more proactive mind-set, meaning you are better able to identify future opportunities, putting you on the front foot at all times.

Analyse your activity.

Knowing what works and what doesn’t is key when you’re trying to build a robust search strategy on LinkedIn. Analytics can provide you with essential data on how candidates move through your recruiting pipeline. That way you can constantly adapt and improve your strategy.

If you already have a Recruiter Professional Services account, you can go straight to your pipeline analytics.

If you are interested in finding out more about Recruiter Professional Services, contact us.