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Discover the new Jobs Analytics Report

Improve your Jobs strategy with on-demand, intuitive reports on your Jobs performance, and learn which types of candidates – based on company, region, and education – view your jobs and which ones apply. Coming soon

Add Apply with
LinkedIn® to your company's Career Site 

Apply with LinkedIn is a plugin that you can implement on your company's career site, which makes it easier for candidates to apply by auto-filling key information from their LinkedIn profile. Not only does it increase completion rates, but it also identifies candidates who click on Apply with LinkedIn in Recruiter, so you can prioritize those most likely to respond. Ask your LinkedIn rep how you can add or upgrade the apply experience on your site.

Learn your website

Know the professional traits of members who visit your off-LinkedIn website, so you can feature your most relevant content and ensure you’re attracting the talent you need. Filter by eight dimensions, including job title, company, seniority, and more. Get started.

Introducing Job Wrapping Standard

Job Wrapping Standard (JWS) automatically posts your open roles to LinkedIn – saving you time and maximizing your Jobs investment. JWS backfills your unused Job Slots with your recently posted roles, driving more applicants to you and building greater awareness among your target audiences. Ask your rep if Job Wrapping Standard is right for you.

LinkedIn Job Wrapping

Expand your skills search

Reach a broader pool of talent in Recruiter by using free-form text or Boolean search strings to search for all types of skills – beyond the standardized skills LinkedIn has defined. Search now.

LinkedIn search strings

Provide salary estimates on Job Posts

When you post a job, you now have the option to include a salary range on your job description.

Jobs with salary ranges are more likely to be surfaced in search and recommendations, so you’ll get access to more of the right candidates. In addition, by providing a salary range, you can eliminate the back-and-forth salary negotiations up front. Add salary to Jobs.


LinkedIn salery estimates on Job Posts
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