

Doors Open

11:00 11:15

Welcome (EN)

Robindro Ullah, Moderator, Author, Quadriga Hochschule Berlin and 
HRM Forum

11:15 11:50

Kick-Off: Finding a job on the go: How users are searching for jobs in the age of smartphones (EN)
Dr. Sascha Krause, Industry Head Classifieds, Google

Recruiting – unique ideas and innovative campaigns

12:00 12:35

Best Case: Recruiting trends in the media mix. Trend: Snapchat (EN)
Natalie Kittler, Social Media Manager Recruiting Marketing, Techniker  Krankenkasse

Best Case: Leveraging professional social networks (EN)
Barry Vickers, Specialist Recruiter, A European mobile, internet and multimedia company

12:00 13:10

Workshop: Inbound HR Marketing: Strategies and Tools to attract Talent systematically (DE)
Eva Zils, Founder,

12.35 13.10

Best Case: Aligning recruiting campaigns and job ads (DE)
Tim Verhoeven, Director of Recruiting and HR Marketing, BearingPoint

Best Case: TBA (EN)

13:10 14:00


Sourcing – sound strategy and best practice

14:00 14:35

Best Case: Social Recruiting at Vifor Pharma – Internal Recruitment 360° (DE)
Jost Gloor, Head Global Talent Management, Vifor Pharma

Spotlight: The Botification of Recruitment (EN)
Oscar Mager, Founder, Recruiting Essentials

Spotlight: Strategy (EN)
Balazs Paroczay, Head of Recruiting Strategy and Innovation, Randstad  Sourceright EMEA(EN)

Spotlight: Interview questions go digital – legal issues in the context of social media recruiting (DE)
Tobias Neufeld, Labour Rights Lawyer and Partner, Allen & Overy LLP

14:35 15:30

Sourcing Lab and Interactive Sessions

Sourcing Lab (Beginners) (DE)
Frank Kirchberger, Human Resources Recruiter, Boehringer Ingelheim

Sourcing Lab (Advanced) (EN)
Balazs Paroczay, Head of Recruiting Strategy and Innovation, Randstad  Sourceright EMEA

Interactive Session: Visual Sourcing. The Power of Image Search for Talent Sourcing (EN)
Oscar Mager, Founder, Recruiting Essentials

Interactive Session: Legal aspects of social media recruitment - cases and practical tips (DE)
Tobias Neufeld, Labour Rights Lawyer and Partner, Allen & Overy LLP

14:45 17:30

Innovation Tour to the “BLOGFABRIK” (EN)

15:30 16:00


16:00 17:30

Sourcing Challenge (EN)

Barbara Braehmer, Talent finder, Social Recruiting Coach, Founder
Intercessio GmbH

Henrik Zaborowski, Recruiting Coach and Interim Recruiting Manager

17:30 18:05

Keynote (EN)

Candidate Engagement across the Globe - Tips, Trends and Techniques
Johnny Campbell, Founder and CEO, Social Talent


Sun Downer

07:30 08:15



Doors Open

10:00 10:15

Welcome (EN)
Robindro Ullah, Moderator, Author, Quadriga Hochschule Berlin and  HRM Forum

10:15 10:50

Kick-Off: The power of data – latest developments and practical implications(EN)
Lutz Finger, Director of Data Analytics, LinkedIn

Outreach – authentic approach and successful hires

11:00 11:35

Best Case: Staying close to the applicant – from response to hiring (DE)
Liliane Kuert, HR Marketing Specialist, SBB CFF FFS

Interview: Bringing recruiting success into the light – making the most of digitalization (DE)
Sebastian Zabel, Team Lead People Analytics, Goodgame Studios

Best Case: Innovate, Don't Imitate: Radical Sourcing @ Zalando (EN)
Christopher Raw, Talent Sourcing Specialist, Zalando SE
Joseph de Garr Wilkinson, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner (UX &
Technology), Zalando SE

Spotlight: Landing the dream candidate in the midst of great interest (DE)
Marc Emde, Managing Director, concludis GmbH

11:35 12:30


12:30 13:45

Focus Session

Focus Session I: Engineering Talents (DE)
Jan Hawliczek, Deputy Head of Recruiting and HR Marketing, Trainer and  Consultant & Header beast, BFFT GmbH & diegrüne3

Tobias Ortner, Head of Recruiting and HR Marketing & Starting pistol official,
BFFT GmbH & diegrüne3

Focus Session II: IT Specialists (EN)
Jeremy Auer, Talent Solutions Consultant, LinkedIn

13:45 14.15

Sum-Up (EN)

Robindro Ullah, Moderator, Author Quadriga Hochschule Berlin and  HRM Forum