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During this live 45-minute training session, you'll get insider secrets to achieving higher response rates from potential job candidates and see real InMail examples that work and don't work.
Whether you've written hundreds of InMails or are just starting to write your first, join this free session and see 30 minutes worth of InMail examples that will grab your potential candidate’s attention. We’ll also cover different approaches you should take when sending an InMail to a passive candidate (not actively looking for a job) vs. an active candidate (actively looking for a new job).
You'll see examples of:
- The Good InMails – What works to generate interest from candidates.
- The Bad InMails – Why candidates don’t respond to certain approaches.
- The Ugly Ones – How not to use the InMail system.
Join us to start perfecting your InMail messages for 2017's hiring frenzy!
Register today!
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