The largest product update yet is coming to Recruiter and Jobs. Hear about what's new from LinkedIn's experts, who will share details about the upgraded experience. Here are a few highlights of what we'll cover:

  • New Features: Learn about the 8 most exciting features coming to the New Recruiter & Jobs that will help you get work done faster, collaborate better and spend less time searching for candidates.
  • Live Demos: Take a look at the enhanced experience with our product experts
  • Q&A: Ask our experts questions you have about any of the new features.

    Tune in on Thursday, June 13th to learn more about this major update rolling out through 2019.

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Featured Speakers

Shawn Mealy
Shawn Mealy
Senior Customer Success Manager
Sankar Venkatraman
Sankar Venkatraman
Global Product Evangelist
Anusha Bagchi
Anusha Bagchi
Senior Customer Success Manager