Sales Glossary / Glossary Term

Discovery calls are initial conversations sales representatives have with potential customers who’ve shown interest in a product or service. These exploratory calls build trust and gather information to aid in deal negotiations and closure.

They involve a series of scripted questions to understand:

Before the call, salespeople should research the customer’s company and team, preparing to address their potential questions and concerns.

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  • Who is on the call with us today, and what is your role at the company?
  • What does a typical day look like for you?
  • What do you enjoy most about your job/industry?
  • I read the recent news article or industry report about <insert a title>. What are your thoughts about it?
  • I saw on LinkedIn that you like to do [insert activity or personal interest]. I am also a big fan of [insert activity or personal interest]. 
    What do you like most about it?
  • What goal (related to the product or service) is your business working towards?
  • How do you currently handle or plan to meet that goal within the organization?
  • Are you already using a solution to help with that goal? If so, why are you seeking a new solution? How does it fall short of helping you meet your goal(s)?
  • Did any recent changes or events within your company lead you to find a new solution?
  • What is your decision-making process for finding a new or better solution?
  • Who within the organization will be involved as a stakeholder in the decision-making process?
  • What are each of their roles or stakes in evaluating the solution? Can we meet with them to better understand their needs and challenges (if they’re not on the call)? Or, can you please summarize each of their needs and challenges?
  • Are any industry regulations or compliance requirements affecting your decision-making process when choosing a solution?

  • Is there a budget in place for the product or service?

  • If the budget doesn’t match the costs of the new solution, are you willing to invest more if it meets your criteria?

  • What is your timeline for evaluating and selecting the new solution?

  • How quickly do you plan to start using or switching to the new solution (e.g., importing all of the customer’s files or data from one platform to another)?
  • What challenges or pain points is your company or team experiencing right now?

  • How are you addressing these pain points? Or, what have you tried in the past to address these pain points, and why didn't it work out?

  • How do employees and stakeholders describe their challenges with these pain points or problems?

  • Can you share any obstacles or limitations you've encountered in solving those challenges or completing internal tasks and processes?

  • How do these challenges impact your company’s or team’s productivity, sales revenue growth, or customer satisfaction?

  • What are your known criteria and ideal outcomes for solving these issues? How would they help your team or organization?

  • How might our product or service help you solve those challenges or pain points?
  • How much time and resources are you currently investing in efforts related to team pain points?

  • What is the long-term implication of diverting time and resources away from other priorities at the company?

  • What is the opportunity cost of dedicating outside resources or solutions to this problem?

  • How much of your budget is dedicated to solving these pain points?

  • If you can’t afford to tackle all of them right away, can you prioritize which solutions could significantly impact your business in the short term?
  • How important is it for your organization to quickly resolve your challenges or pain points?

  • What does the ideal solution’s success look like for you, your team, and your organization?

  • How can the solution improve your daily operations, productivity, job satisfaction, product or service development, customer satisfaction and retention, and sales revenue growth strategies?

  • How can the right solution give your organization a competitive edge?