Agenda Speaker
8.00am Registration opens  
9.00am Welcome to Country & opening address  Matthew DoyleEllen Fanning
9.10am Better Together: Partnering to create economic opportunity Daniel Shapero, LinkedIn
  Better Together: LinkedIn product vision
Eric Owski, LinkedIn
10.00am How AI and other emerging technologies will shape tomorrow’s workforce Shara Evans
10.40am Morning break  
11.15am New world, new skills - and what we can do about it. Finding and keeping the right skills for our businesses, through constant change.
Dorothy Hisgrove, PwC
11.35am How Australian organisations have driven transformation
across Plan, Hire, Develop
Jeremy Cooper, LinkedIn (Panel Host)
Maree Howard, Lendlease
David Johansson, AMP
Zoey Banks, Commonwealth Bank
12.00pm Living Values Wildly - Insights into how Patagonia’s counterintuitive
and unconventional culture drives what we all really want.
Dean Carter, Patagonia
12.45pm Lunch  
2.20pm The evolution of recruitment at the NRL Dan Buckley, National Rugby League
2.35pm Seven key traits of Generation Z David Stillman & Jonah Stillman
3.50pm Afternoon break  
4.25pm Better Together: How to build a successful Reconciliation Action Plan

Tianji Dickens, Microsoft (Panel Host)

Lillian Gordon, Aboriginal Affairs NSW

Jason Timor, Two Point Co & Spatial Hub

Topaz McAuliffe, Coles

4.45pm Inspiring creativity in the workplace
Matthew Luhn
5.35pm Sundowner drinks