State of Sales 2022 Manufacturing Edition

State of Sales 2022 Manufacturing Edition

The pandemic forever changed the manufacturing industry.

Delivery delays, increased costs, labor retention and recruitment issues, and inflation wrecked havoc. These industry-wide challenges impacted the buyer-seller relationship.

Here are three takeaways from LinkedIn’s 2022 State of Sales global data that show how the buyer-seller relationship in manufacturing differs from other industries. This was based on comparing 2,476 buyers and sellers in manufacturing to the 14,000 global buyers and sellers from the 2022 LinkedIn Global State of Sales.

1) Buyers in manufacturing view sellers less positively than buyers in other industries do.

  • Only 24% of manufacturing buyers view sellers “very positively,” vs. 35% in other sectors.
  • Only 14% of manufacturing buyers say sellers change their way of thinking “very often,” compared to 24% in other industries.

2) Virtual selling is becoming the new normal.

  • 32% of manufacturing sellers say they closed deals over $500,000 without ever meeting the buyer in person.
  • 54% of manufacturing buyers say remote work has made buying easier.

3) Technology can help sellers bridge the gap to connect with buyers virtually.

  • 46% of manufacturing sellers say they are “very active” on LinkedIn for business purposes.
  • 47% of manufacturing sellers are using sales intelligence tools.

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