Navigating employer branding in the
new normal
This is a defining moment. And your employer brand matters more now than ever.
How to communicate your employer brand.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose focus on what matters most right now. But acting decisively, stepping up, and prioritizing your employer brand is what people may remember most during these times. Communicating empathy and authentically showcasing your company is a better short- and long-term solution to grow loyal and lasting connections.
Display your culture & values
Big or small, everything you do can help make a difference — from showcasing company values, supporting employees, or helping your local community.
Tell human stories & build communities
Use this time as an opportunity to humanize your employer brand. Leverage hashtags and employee-generated stories to source and organize content.
Virtually embrace employees & candidates
More companies are going remote or promoting flexible working, think about new ways to collaborate and keep business as close to normal as possible.
Bottom line? Nurture your culture.
Now is not the time to go quiet. It’s the time to double down on communication that illuminates your company’s culture. What you do now matters.