The data is in: 2024 is the year AI at work gets real.

Recent research from the 2024 Work Trends Index report from LinkedIn and Microsoft shows AI at work is here, with 82% of knowledge workers in APAC are already using it at work. Despite its widespread use, many businesses are still struggling to influence AI effectively with 68% of leaders in 
APAC worried their organisation’s leadership lacks a plan and vision to implement it. The emerging AI gap highlights a critical need for leadership to build a culture of learning and position themselves as educators to close the gap. 

With a 142x increase in AI literacy skills being added to profiles among LinkedIn members globally, employees are indicating they want AI at work, yet only 25% of global Learning and Development (L&D) teams plan to offer AI training this year. 

84% of leaders in APAC acknowledge the necessity of AI for competitiveness, but the disconnect between the potential of AI and the actual plans to implement it is stark. Companies that fail to bridge this AI gap risk falling behind, losing out on innovation, talent, and facing increased security risks.

Here’s how Security Bank is starting to adopt AI to scale business innovation and accelerate career growth.

Transforming Recruiters into Advisors

AI power users – those who are using AI the most today – are proof of its influence on the future of work. According to the 2024 Work Trends Index report, they’re 1.7x more likely to redesign business processes and workflows with AI, offering up more strategic and high-value work to their organisations. Philippines-based Security Bank has changed the way its recruiters work with AI, elevating their role to that of strategic advisors.

Nerissa Berba, EVP & Chief People Officer at Security Bank says, “We’re using LinkedIn's AI recruitment tools to make talent acquisition more efficient. Our recruiters now don't have to spend much time sourcing and screening resumes because the system does it for them.” 

The report found that AI power users are more likely to be happy at their current company, inspired by their work and connected to their teammates. With AI-powered learning, Security Bank is better able to provide avenues for career development and internal mobility that lead to more engaged employees.

“Our partnership with LinkedIn has paved the way for Security Bank not only to provide a great employee experience but also to increase our ability to upskill our talent for the future,” says Berba.

Closing the AI Gap with a Skills-First, Human-Centric Approach

The shift from AI buzz to AI breakthroughs requires a concerted, skills-first, and, most importantly, human-centric approach.  Business leaders including at Security Bank are adamant that despite the growing importance of technical AI skills, the real power of AI is that it enables people to lean into the high-impact, business-critical work that people do best, from problem-solving to building customer relationships.

The organisations that lead with a human-centric, AI-powered approach to work will come out on top. 

Berba of Security Bank says, “When it comes to soft skills, AI should be seen as an enabler rather than a replacement. It's crucial that both employees and employers continue to develop essential skills, including business acumen, leadership, and effective communication.”

For more insights download the 2024 Work Trends Index Report for how you can create a business-led AI culture that readies your workforce for the changing nature of jobs.

Dive into a free LinkedIn Learning course, AI & the Workforce: A Deep Dive into the Future of Work, to explore how AI is impacting jobs and skills. This course is made for anyone ready to navigate the AI-powered economy more effectively.