You will see better campaign results when you select the right objective.

  • To lead people from your campaign to your website, set your campaign objective as Website Visits

  • To get people to take an action on your website, eg request demo, choose Website Conversions and set up conversion tracking.

Enabling conversion tracking helps you to analyze audience actions after they engage with your ad.

To optimize your website visitor goals, focus on these key metrics for evaluating campaign performance:

     •  Clicks to landing page 
     •  Click-through rate (CTR) 
     •  Cost per click (CPC)

To review campaign results, log in to Campaign Manager. Navigate to the dashboard, access the Columns dropdown, and select Engagement to track your campaign's progress.

image 2
LinkedIn Ads Global Benchmarks Single Image Ad  Video Ad Carousel Ad
CTR (Click Through Rate)  0.49% 0.47% 0.73%
CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions)  US$ 10.16 US$ 19.90 US$ 27.7
CPC (Cost Per Click)  US$ 2.04 US$ 4.50 US$ 3.02
Engagement Rate  0.62% 0.95% 1.11%
Video view through rate - 30.2% -
Video completion rate - 2.9% -
Targeting Content & Creatives Bid & Budget

Best Practice 1: 
Analyze your website visitors. Reach out to more people likely to visit your website

Understand the demographic profile of your website visitors by installing LinkedIn Insights Tag on your website. This will reveal their job titles, company name, industries, location and more.

Apply this information to your targeting and to reach people who are more likely to visit your website.

Best Practice 2: 
Encourage repeat website visits

People are showing interest when they engage with your ad. Nurture them further by retargeting campaigns that share more information about your product and service.

Learn more about retargeting on LinkedIn

Best Practice 1: 
Make your ad creative actionable, relevant, and relatable

Test different ad creatives to learn what works best: 

  •  Actionable: Tell people what action to take, using words like “click here” and “learn more”
  • Relevance: Align your ad copy to what people see when they click to your website
  • Relatability: Use imagery that your audience can relate to 

Best Practice 2:
Use content to help people get to know your business better

To encourage people to visit your website, show them the value they can get. For example: 

  • Customer stories, product reviews or testimonials
  • Thought leadership articles, blog pieces or research reports 
  • Product comparisons or frequently asked questions

Best Practice 1: 
Daily budget of more than US$ 80 a day

Best Practice 2: 
Use ‘Maximum Delivery’ as your bidding strategy