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Updates to Sales Navigator Application Platform (SNAP) partners

The next wave of partner integrations, including new partner category: Web Conferencing.

Web Conferencing:
The new Zoom integration allows users to contextually engage with LinkedIn Sales Navigator information and even send an InMail from within the Zoom interface.

Sales Acceleration: New to this category are Yesware and Leadfeeder. Groove and Outreach are also launching their next-generation integrations, which embed key Sales Navigator actions more deeply within their apps.

CRM updates:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Sales: Bringing improvements to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration, including PointDrive presentation views appearing as new activity type in Dynamics CRM. This feature is coming soon for Salesforce CRM synced customers. In 2019, Sales Navigator will also bring the power of Deals to users of Microsoft Dynamics for Sales. This feature will allow reps and managers to effectively keep their CRM opportunities up-to-date.

Sales Navigator for Salesforce integration: Now with support for customers that utilize Person Accounts.

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