LinkedIn Hiring Integrations → Radancy
Integrate Radancy with LinkedIn Recruiter.
CRM Connect is included with your Recruiter license at no additional cost.
As a Radancy and LinkedIn customer, you have access to the CRM Connect integration below that can help you streamline your workflow.
To get started, follow the steps in the Help Center.
CRM Connect
Save time, access candidate data you can trust, and drive more impactful candidate outreach by connecting your candidate relationship management (CRM) tool with LinkedIn Recruiter.
• Export candidates from Recruiter to your CRM with one click
• View candidate CRM data and communications history without leaving Recruiter
• Make more informed decisions by accessing up-to-date candidate LinkedIn profiles in your CRM
Integrate Radancy with LinkedIn Recruiter. Get started now →
Most Hiring Integrations are included with your Recruiter license at no additional cost.*
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