Source and engage
Find and manage candidates
Recruiter for low-volume hiring
Post and attract
Target your jobs to the right people
Attract talent with employer branding
Company size
Company type
Our hiring products help you match your open roles to qualified candidates so you can find, attract, and connect to the right people — and improve your hiring process.
Source and engage
A robust recruiting tool to find, engage and hire qualified candidates – best if hiring for competitive roles or more than a few people a year.
A basic version of Recruiter to help you source, contact and hire a few people a year, when posting a job isn’t enough.
Post and attract
A platform for companies to post their jobs on LinkedIn and easily target, prioritize, and manage qualified applicants.
A media-rich page to tell your company’s story, drive awareness, and spotlight your job opportunities.
Plan and optimize
A real-time, data-driven platform to help make smart workforce and hiring decisions.
Personalized pages to build a pipeline of warm candidates and get them to apply.
A suite of Recruiter & Jobs products that connect with your ATS, Talent CRM, and communication tools (e.g. email).
For more information about our most popular hiring products, visit our FAQ page.