Easy Recruiting with Next Generation LinkedIn Recruiter



[00:00:03] Hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today. For next generation of recruiter. We're excited to bring you a fantastic demo with less obvious tips and tricks. Led by Zach Andriessen on our Customer Success team.

[00:00:18] But just before just a few housekeeping items one from you to ask questions click the green Q and A button at the bottom left hand side of your screen and then click submit. We'll be sorting out a copy of the site and link to the recording in a couple of days so keep an eye on your email.

[00:00:41] Please offer to take our survey at the end. We'd love the opportunity to hear your feedback.

[00:00:46] And so we know we can improve on and we can deliver content that you love. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself.

Introducing our expert: Zach Andriessen

[00:00:56] Thank you so much. JERRY Yeah my name is Zach Andriessen. And for those of you who have not been honored by an hour that I've come to in the past I am a customer success manager here at LinkedIn for about a year and a half. I had a career in recruiting myself for three years. I worked on the agency side actually and worked for a small organization. We used recruiter pretty much exclusively and a lot of success with that and ultimately ended up here as part of this organization and I'm really excited to talk with you guys today about Next-Generation recruiter. I can tell you both from my time using the tool as a recruiter and then obviously in a year and a half since I've been a part of the organization. This is without a shadow of a doubt the best and biggest upgrade that we've made to the platform since the initial launch of the tool. And I think that there are a lot of new things to be learned surrounding how to create more effective more efficient searches and to narrow down your candidate tools to more candidates more likely to respond to your messages and ultimately just to have a better workflow within LinkedIn recruiter. The purpose of today's session as the title indicated it's obviously spend the majority of the time live in the school walking guide specifically through some of the different features that we've added on. But we're also going to do a few minutes here just through the slides to kind of highlight the way I'd like to kind of set this type of session up as part of LinkedIn recruiter operate.

[00:02:19] Initially when we in the previous iteration of the tool and what have we changed in the new version and what we're calling next generation recruiter to again improve the experience for you overall. I think it's really important to know upfront that for anyone who a more legacy user like myself who's been on the platform for years and maybe had a really good workflow in place and felt very comfortable in the previous iteration of the tool that we have taken absolutely nothing away. Next Generation recruiter. Every single feature every single search capability that you had in the previous iteration exists still in next recruiter. So you can still maintain the exact same workload that's what you choose to do. The reality is though that I think and hopefully you'll feel after as demonstration active presentations today but not really necessary that there are better more effective and again more efficient ways that you can be going about your workflow. We are really excited, one of the things that we're going to highlight in the presentation is a new feature which is still kind of in its initial rollout what interested candidates something that is currently like on the platform that is being rolled out to both you guys with LinkedIn recruiters see as well as to our members the 40 and 50 million members that we have within our network. So excited to give you a little bit of a sneak peek into what that's going to look like. I think it's a pretty revolutionary way of using the tool and ultimately is going to add a tremendous amount of value for everybody online.

[00:03:52] As Terry mentioned you know this is this is your time guys use this an hour out of your day in the middle of a work day to spend with me. I really want to make sure that this is beneficial as possible so please be engaged please that's questions in the chat.

[00:04:06] We are going to have plenty of time at the end of session for open Q and A. We will definitely try to get as many questions as we possibly can if we don't get to your questions today. You can always reach out to me directly or to your customer success manager or your relationship manager. We're happy to get those questions answered for you offline. We will try to get as many questions as possible today and again really encourage you guys to be engaged as you can be.

Where the software started: Discussing the original LinkedIn Recruiter and why we upgraded

And with that said let's kind of get into the material here so let's start off like I said the way I like to position this is how to operate initially and what improvements did we make overall try to make this a more easy efficient tool for you guys to be using the first and foremost. I think one of the issues that we wanted to tackle was the time it takes to be good at sourcing. You know my job initially was before we launch the next generation recruiter I spent all of my time trying to advocate in a group like your car crazy Long complex string that I built a billion string that operates alternative there were all these different job performance fees.

[00:05:10] He noted that they were different companies that intensely fighting one to win and eventually going to help drive the why he got them down in the background.

[00:05:38] Everyone was just kind of do it to the beat. Their first a little soundtrack.

[00:05:44] Those that were able to kind of those advocating and teaching people how to create longer complex boolean strings essentially that would allow you to cast a wider net and find a broader audience. Essentially what we did here in the next generation recruiter is we're taking a little bit of the onus off of you guys these recruiters to have to come to the table armed with all of that information. We have a network now of over 450 million people and we have a lot of data being provided to us by our members. Why not leverage some of that information to help you guys make informed decisions about the types of searches you're running and ultimately potentially be able to fund corporate talent within our network that you didn't know existed previously.

Helping out recruiters with guided search

So one of the ways that we've done that specifically is with our more guided search. So instead of having to have that long booleans string already built out and plugging that and you can do something as simple as having a job title a location and some pretty baseline skills that you're looking for and you can plug that directly into the search bar and begin your search with some pretty rudimentary information about a potential candidate for the role that you're working on. We also have a tool called find more people like them and a highlight that more attentively in a demonstration but I think it's a pretty huge game changer in terms of being able to identify candidates based on the previous placements you've made or based on people within your organization who are top tier talent and be able to leverage those individuals to build constructive searches based on their background. Buying into this is the idea that for you again really had to come to the table with a tremendous amount of information and frankly a lot of different spaces. We have a wide variety of industry backgrounds on this call right now but in many different spaces particularly considering like the technology space than ever evolving field there's always new terms new certifications and new titles and new companies emerging where you might want to try to take talent from and I know that when I was recruiting myself I oftentimes had to keep a separate window open you know a Google search try was find that tediously doing research on the industry I was recruiting and or the job those are for in addition to actually running my searches within LinkedIn recruiter. So again we're trying to arm you guys with more information this new generation that's what we're trying to provide you guys with what we know based on the data that we see from our members and whether that manifests itself the next generation recruiter is through smart adjustments and you'll see that the demonstration really gets to that. But if you're looking for a particular title and in particular location with certain skill again you have sort of that baseline the must haves from the hiring manager that you're working with. You can plug that information in and the tool will get back out to you alternative job titles that you should consider different locations where you're able to relocate that there's high populations of this type of talent and other skills that you might want to consider other companies where there's high population this type attack. So it allows you to be able to kind of again leverage the information that we have from our member base. But that is your search and build a more robust search casting a wider net and hopefully Uncovering Talent you may not have found initially based on the singular job titles at the third and final piece that I'll highlight here and then we're going to go straight into the tool is.

Narrowing down the candidate search with Spotlight

[00:09:16] Okay great. Now I can search fadder that I love but still haven't solved the problem of being able to efficiently narrow down my candidate pool and figure out where the people who were actually going to want to engage with me. You know again we're at a point where like is going out to members per second. 450 million members and we generally cited about 70 percent of our network is more passive passive does not mean not interested in your job. That means that they want a warmer approach they want you to come at them and potentially sell them a little bit more on the opportunity. So what can I do with this as to try to narrow down my candidate for from maybe ten thousand or so total results that initially show up for a manageable number of people who based on their activity within LinkedIn are potentially more likely to engage with me and want to have a conversation and respond to my email message.

[00:10:09] And that's why we came up with calling spotlight the spotlights.

[00:10:13] Give you an indication based on a number of different filters all of which we'll discuss here once we get into the tool to narrow down your leads your candidate your search that you come up with to a more manageable number of individuals. Again people who are a little bit warmer are a little bit more likely to respond to you based on a number of different factors. So you guys going to see this again in just a moment. But now that we've incorporated this is a way to try to kind of trim the fat of it and give you guys a leg up on in terms of boosting response rate from candidates. And with that guy I'm going to transition and I'm going to show my screen with you. We're going to go with the tool I'm going to walk you through sort of a few different elements here. I want to highlight a couple things that you can do from a strategic standpoint to work more efficiently. So beyond just the features themselves. Again one of the subtitles of this presentation was the less obvious tips and tricks. I want to highlight for you guys a couple things that you can be doing from a strategic standpoint that could really give you a leg up and then allow you to automate some of the processes using LinkedIn recruiter. And then we'll take questions and we'll call it Dave. Thank you guys again for being here again continued Smith those questions through the chat as I transition here and share my story.

Diving into the next generation of LinkedIn Recruiter: a look into the full platform, starting with simplified search

[00:11:35] This is the next generation recruiter as you can see.

[00:11:39] For those of you again one more legacy users who have that on the platform for a while. Really not a huge difference for you initially look at the home page here you still have your search at the top still of your entire workflow. Your projection clipboard if you have job slots those are still acceptable your reporting and that any additional functionality inbox is still up here. All of the tools that existed in the initial iteration through readily available. All my updates are still posted directly into the dashboard homepage here. I can see my job activity my project activity and then of course my ability to see who's doing my profile all still here. The biggest fundamental difference comes when you initially start your search and you click into the search bar. You remember in the previous iteration when I with clicking this year what it would do is automatically bring that alarm a pretty lengthy list of sort of advanced filters all of which just figure out for those of you who are a bit more savvy and want to build more robust searches are still readily available by clicking on the advanced fees.

[00:12:40]  Can you share screen.

[00:13:17] The audience have seen it they can see it. So I think we are all good things out there. So sorry about that.

[00:13:25] Does mention the gathering to go through all that again all the tools are where they previously sat. And the biggest difference here is this is when you initially link it to the search so much more simplified. The old iteration of the tool a automatically pulled down with all of our advanced filters you would be able to really kind of be very specific. Now we're telling you let's just start with some pretty baseline information a job title an ideal candidate one of a search on a keyword or if you want to use boolean again you can continue to do that if you prefer to do more advanced searching you still have all of that functionality available like clicking on the advanced piece here. They'll have access to that all of those things or popular questions easily get that and I'm sure it's already come through and the chat is kind of the postal code or zip code searches. Absolutely if you want to do that it just is up to the advances that can come in here to the postal code to my mile radius and then I can choose my country and put that postal code directly in there. So I still have the ability to have the capacity all of the filters that existed in the initial iteration of LinkedIn recruiter are still here for you guys to use. But again when we're talking about really being efficient and maximizing the tool I like to start with just some pretty baseline information. Anyone who's been on the colony in the past knows my background is in sales recruiting very heavily recruited sales talent. I'm going to work on that because that's the field I know. But of course anything that we talk about here today is something that when he is we translate from a baseline understanding standpoint or philosophy standpoint to technology recruiters or people working for organizations in the healthcare space or whatever field you're in the same basic principles apply. I was going to work with sales and I know it well.

Searching for candidates using skill-set, rather than just keywords

[00:15:08] My hiring manager comes to me is that hey I need to find a executive. I don't really need much more information than what the title where you want the position to be located already what came from. And then what are some of the must have skills that you have to have for someone to be qualified. I could plug the title into Iraq. I know that just looking at the requisition that the executive who gets the average start typing up because they want to search by job title or do you want to find where people like we're going to come back in a moment we're going to start with just a job title based search I didn't choose my location we'll say today I came from Phoenix as far as recruiting the horse which is Phoenix as an example.

[00:15:49] And then I could choose the add guild if I want to. So these are pulling directly from an individual LinkedIn profile and what I like about this element of the search is the branding features something that didn't exist in the original iteration. What I love about this is that the search is rather than just using keywords which anyone can kind of just have a keyword on their profile that might not make sense within context but adding a still is something that I have to manually do or someone who knows me and knows my work experience have to endorse me for it. My life is that it carries a little bit more weight. If I choose that I have to have I want my camera to have for example that sales of problem makes sense. I would also say if you don't see one listed that you want to include like let's say cold calling and just typeset like that and it shows up for those candidates that show up in they cold calling on their profile.

[00:16:41] That is that they have to manually go and that is the cell that they have or someone who knows that they're going with cold calling had a potentially go endorse them for that particular cell. So again I think it's carried a little bit more weight than your traditional keyword search allows you to be a little bit more focused on those candidates. You can still absolutely if you just want to find profiles that have the word cold calling anywhere on it. I could still go and I can run just a basic keyword search to search that term anywhere on the profile. But for the sake of what we're doing here and really highlighting some of these new features leveraging the skills pieces that go in and narrow down towards your ideal can that form.

Adding skills to increase your pool while also ranking different candidates

[00:17:18] Maybe

[00:17:18] I also want to personally go with business development.

[00:17:21] I can choose that as well you'll see the number of increase.

[00:17:28] So popular passion that comes through here may have already come through that chat is in those you got to a little bit more booleans savvy will understand what I'm saying. You know my putting an M statement between these meetings does for the shops as they have to have sound and cold calling and business development for their profile to show up. The answer is no. The way this is working is enforced tape. So say I want sales or cold calling or business development. So naturally as you take more skills then it's going to expand your total candidate pool. Important thing to note on this though is that the way that your search results are right. So I hate go on the search. I run the search. This is the first sort of little less obvious track is that the way that your search results are ranked the one that contained more of your overall selection from the skills standpoint you need more of your overall search criteria are going to be more heavily weighted towards the top of your search results.

[00:18:27] So when you run a search with 90 400 total candidates and you go to page 40 of that search you're going to find that people are less compatible with all of the skills you're looking for.

[00:18:39] Whereas if you try to stay focused on a smaller number of results that come through on the first few pages on here and your search down to a more manageable number of total candidates you know you're going to be focused on people who were more specific and have more of these total skills.

Getting assistance from the software: LinkedIn Recruiter will give you informed recommendations based on data

[00:19:01] So that essentially ups the guided search path. Now we're going to talk about the smart search suggestions. So I personally love this piece of the tool I think it's one of the greatest aspects of what we've what we've evolved and recruited to be the fact that it's making these recommendations to me now. So first and foremost I want to narrow it down to just people who currently have the job title of a kind of executive titles a 27 100 told candidates in Phoenix but now want to build this out.

[00:19:27] I'm actually extend my results to my book the line. And again the tools making intelligent recommendations to me based on the title and these particular skills say that you like people with this title with these skills look people are account managers looking people business development managers look at people who have the titles sales manager or regional sales manager they can go through and say Okay I want to include my account managers and I want to include sales executives.

[00:19:55] And you to see the results are changing based on the direction that I'm going. So the more I choose job titles that are maybe more frontier oriented versus farmer oriented health professionals the more that the titles that are recommended to me are going to potentially migrate in that direction. So territory manager potentially overall sales representative you Negusie see my number is being boosted. So now we're at almost 10000 total candidates in the Phoenix market to have one of these different five different titles and I could keep going and keep shooting different ones that are going to also have at least one of those skills that I acquired chosen on their profile.

Think outside the box: LinkedIn Recruiter gives you the opportunity to be creative in your search

[00:20:32] I would encourage you guys to get creative here. Sometimes I talk with recruiters and they think they know that a regional sales manager or a business development manager is a qualified person and to a certain extent I certainly trust you guys on that. You guys have the industry experience but this is is data driven information the tool telling you hey you should look at people with these titles. They have the same skills. They're in the same market they have the same type of background that you're looking for.

[00:20:59] Sometimes follow follow what the tools are recommending to you and maybe that's how you start to uncover people that you won't necessarily come across if you are just sticking by the book and by your normal search criteria though you know trust the fool a little bit sometimes get a little bit experimental and try and see if you can find people outside of the box that you might not have normally been looking at. As mentioned earlier in the slides there's a number of other fields that recommendations it made to you. Location of course. So again if I know I can relocate candidates the tool is going to recommend to me Hey check out of New York and Chicago L.A. San Francisco Dallas a very high population populations that type of talent in these markets. You can find other candidates there that might want to bring into the Phoenix market.

You’re also free to remove skills or previously viewed candidates, which can be very helpful in narrowing down your talent pool

We talk about skills but I can add the skills here I can also remove skills and that's important. If I decide our business development is not that important to me or maybe sales is just a little bit too raw I want to be more specific.

[00:21:56] In fact the skills that I'm focusing on I can go just take us completely off or I can use this to exclude that term. So be careful with that. There's obviously a key difference.

[00:22:07] What you just click the act that just means that the person doesn't have to have that skill in order to show up. If you exclude the term this is like using the not modifier. So say we don't want to see anyone who have that go on their profile at all. So obviously that would dramatically cut our total number of results here and would probably negatively impact the people that we're seeing and probably miss some quality candidates. It's efficient though if you know that there's a certain skill you're working in very niche areas and you know there's a specific skill that just automatically would disqualify someone from being qualified or is very niche in a different area. And you know people you're looking for would never have to go. Then it becomes a really valuable quality tool to use by the way that's tip number two right there that I would share with you would exclude option. It is do that they get recommendations on companies that are going to be able to come through and say hey here's some organizations where we have high population this particular talent. These are all big organizations big names. You know you can definitely try to again leverage your or your industry knowledge to find other organizations that you know that have a set of talents and then just going through your search results will help yield a high population of people and that this is just some recommendations for you and some companies you might want to focus on educational background then of course industry as well. Again I just want to reiterate if I wanted to search for cold calling on it all over their profile I could use that in the keywords field here to find that term anywhere on a candidate profile not just in the skills portion. And I still have again all of my advanced filters here as well. So there's that post again I give you just my first degree connections. I give you my years of experience and you'll note that the ones that are populating in the last used lot of the left hand side rail are the ones that are using the most frequently. So these get populated based on your usage the view few they fill out three or four of these are based on the ones that you use the most heavily in your searches. So they make them more convenient more accessible to you. And that's all we'll learn based on your searching.

[00:24:21] No sorry not obvious to a lot of. I tell you that when I was carrying this weather van like probably my number one feature length then so bittersweet now that I'm out of the face to see is added but I'm excited for all of you that you're now able to hide previously you profile from your results.

[00:24:40] So you've always been able to filter based on recurring activity meaning notes and a project have that type of stuff but in the previous iteration and recruiter you were still going to see people whose profiles you had solely viewed. So if you have taken any other action those people would still show up in your results. You are now able to filter out those previously viewed profiles as well which again I think is a big value for you guys particularly if you work in one specific space. And you know that you're not going to be looking at the same candidates over and over again.

The Spotlight tool helps recruiters find candidates who have previously engaged with your brand

[00:25:22] I have a few more things to show you guys and then we are going to kind of just two questions.

[00:25:28] So I want to back out at one I know the spotlights are at the top and as I mentioned you know we have a little under 10000 total candidates here but of course you know this is that number that you would never want to get through this many results in me way too many people.

[00:25:47] So we're trying to narrow this down again towards our more ideal candidate form I'm going to come back to this one in just a moment because it's my favorite and I feel like it's a great one to end on. But I want to talk about some of the other filters that you can narrow down your search results based on. So this one engaged with your talent brand. Love this one.

[00:26:06] The reason I think it's great is because this directly shows the return on your investment in terms of the work that you're doing from a social networking standpoint. On the links in dot com side of the network what the Selter does this narrows down to anyone who has come up with your search results that meets your criteria. But I've also taken some public facing action with your brand on the LinkedIn dot com site.

[00:26:31] So from your company page if you've been sharing articles if you've been posting updates and even sharing the job that you have directly through a sort of Tumblr facing action meaning like comment shares taken by someone on that pipeline is being directly shared with you through the spotlight by be able to click on this and narrow down toward those individuals.

[00:26:57] Though these are shorter 52 people who not only meet my search criteria but are also aware of my organization and have publicly engaged with my talent brand in some form or fashion so probably much more likely to want to have a conversation with me because they're aware of who we are and organization. And again they have taken some action to be engaged.

You can also find people with company connections, people who have previously applied to your positions, and more

[00:27:21] Company connections useful of course. Any time you can use the relationship you have from within your organization but the big value for you guys. If I can say hey I know you mean if I've never talked with my colleague in Boston. But I feel that they're connected with someone that I'm potentially interested in for this sales job. I could say hey you know I know that we haven't ever spoke we worked together like TV or connected to Damian. Any chance that you can make an introduction. I'd love to have a conversation with an open account executive role. We have heard via.

[00:27:52] Aiming to leverage those Internet connections as a way to get your foot in the door with a potential candidate. I also have a number of other one path applicant applicants will show you if you're using LinkedIn job what people love applied to positions previously that you've posted.

[00:28:11] Obviously those are going to be pretty warm leads for you if their recent applicant probably asked the candidate even if they're not read to an applicant that these people who have the brand awareness and have taken some public and public action to take an action to potentially want to work with you in the path. And your industry talent pool. So these are overall people who are at companies and schools that organizations like yourself tend to try to recruit talent from those doesn't mean directly like Kyle here someone who's been recruited by Google or Facebook or a similar sized organization to LinkedIn just need to click on this filter is going to narrow me down towards the types of people based on educational backgrounds industry the tech companies they've worked for that people in my faith tend to also target.

[00:29:01] They've been in their role for a while meaning they've gone through and you know they're out there first you're in a position where they're probably less likely to make make change but they're under that five year mark when they're probably tenure to the point where they're not necessarily considering opportunity.

[00:29:15] So they're right that we want one five years where they're maybe a little bit more likely to be considering something outside of the organization at previous recruiting activity and this is a platform that essentially has anyone on your team on your dashboard has taken any action on the first in the past being an email been sent a note the Abbi's is putting them on a project putting a tag on their profile.

[00:29:40] Any of those features that are part of the pipelining piece of the tool you'd be able to filter those individuals of course fashion working with people who are already engaged with your organization could be a good opportunity.

With LinkedIn Recruiter, you can even use filters to discover people who are open to new opportunities

And then last but not least and I will before I really get into it reiterate that this is in beta. This is not 100 percent rolled out yet. There's not an exact timeline on the 100 percent rollout of this. This is something that we're working on heavily but I'm really excited to share with you guys. A less obvious test number four which is the ability to filter to people who are open to new opportunities.

[00:30:15] Is going to be pretty revolutionary I think in terms of how you guys are able to use but a brief explanation of how this operates is that LinkedIn members are 450 million members are now able to prove their lives in dot com account raise their hands and if they're interested in having conversations with recruiters about new opportunities without making their current organization aware that they're in the market. So for me a belated employee if I decided I wanted to start exploring new customer success positions I go to my LinkedIn jobs page. I think my preferences and my preferences to say that I want to be contacted by recruiters. I'm interested in these types of roles. This level of experience I'm interested potentially in these locations and I would be able to you would be able to filter down when you run that search to anyone who has raised their hand and said that they're open to that. What do you feel about that is that there's a level of safety for the candidate in the sense that they are not their current organization is not able to see that they've raised their hand. So even if their company has and recruiter and runs a search to try to find current employees they've done that they're not able to see anyone who's done that specifically. So it's great for you guys to be a hot target people who are actively trying to have conversation and it allows candidates to more openly try to engage with recruiters through the tool.

[00:31:47] Really excited about that. It's still an initial launch like that. So we're actively trying to get more and more members involved more and more people using this tool. So that's the part that's going on with our marketing team actively trying to make that happen. But I would encourage you guys for every search that you run to go through and click on that and just take a look at the types of people I mean again this is 10000 total results and right now there's only 26 people in Phoenix who have raised their hand in a sales role say they're open to it.

[00:32:17] But if I'm in your shoes and I'm a recruiter and I have one open fire Bill those are 26 phone calls. I most certainly make it. Those are all going to be people who are saying Yeah look have a conversation.

[00:32:28] And that number is only going to grow to number 5 on this and I'll tell you this is something that I would add that I think is going to be a really great little takeaway for everyone here. You can also see your searches based on these filters. So think about it. I'm not going to click on this just to protect them on here but if I were to click on that my search criteria is with the title location and skills and then go over the evening search.

Save your searches and receive emails to stay up-to-date on new candidates matching your filters

[00:32:59] And I need my search this is my active sales people in Phoenix and I have access to an existing project and then I think should this boxes check to send alerts like this to my homepage and email.

[00:33:14] If you think about that circular are gonna do for you it's gonna send you an alert. Any time someone who needs your search criteria someone who meets your job title requirements and zip your location and has the skills you're looking for and it also raised their hands to say that they're looking for new opportunities. Any time that that happens you're going to get a notification about visa or it's your Visa or your email and on your dashboard those huge value added a good opportunity for you guys to have that curve and reaching out to these candidates right when they decide that they're starting to look for something new. Before other recruiters talk to them okay.

Leverage your network and find talent recommendations based on specific people

[00:33:52] One last thing to show you and then we are going to take questions for the last 20 minutes or so and find more people like feature this would be the last piece here and I'm really excited about this as well. I think that this is personally my favorite part. I know that I've liked a lot of and frankly I do and I think opening new opportunities is fantastic. But I think one of the greatest things that we've done in this I think the greatest thing that we've done in this tool is allow you guys to leverage the people that you know whether they're within the industry or within your organization or their places that you've been in the past but just people that you know are just top tier quality talent they are able to leverage those individuals and build searches based on their backgrounds. And that doesn't have to be limited to one person. I can do it based on several individuals and create a blend of those people and that is unparalleled. I think anywhere else. So for example many is linked and people for that. But I'm going to pretend that they're not necessarily like dead people.

[00:34:49] If I knew that I get to thinking about sales that my top guy might prejudice club level sales person is someone on my team them Aaron Cook I can plug Aaron's name into my search here to show that right away. Now Aaron and I are connected but if we were not connected she would still show up. It doesn't have to be someone within your network that you know that there's a really great salesperson over at Coca-Cola and you want to potentially find that person and build a search based on them. You can do that without the connected individual I click Aaron's name should become sort of one of these Blue Hills. And now I'm building a search based on her but I'm not just going to evade them. Erin what they're going to take my colleague Andy back and plug him in as well. And even top tier sales guy within the organization. I want to include him and I want to find a blend of their backgrounds.

[00:35:50] That person's name is Sean Chappell and these are all my friends here leave them right these are all just local people. You get the concept that you can use your candidates you can use the people from within your organization who are doing great. You previous placements you've made and you can run a search based on these individuals and what's great about this is it's not just going to give me 15 people like Aaron and then 50 people like Sean and 50 people like Gandhi going to give me a candidate for based on a blend of their three backgrounds. I get a list of those results here and then even better on top of that I also get the basis of how we're building this search that you're seeing the criteria that we're pulling together and we're giving you the framework to build your own search on this as well.

Not only do you get candidate recommendations, but you get skills and title recommendations

Not only do you have the people but I can also come through and say Okay I like these three guys as we looking at a course people with the job. I know a customer manager but also to look at customer consultants. They have staffing backgrounds staffing specialist in their titles product consultants. These are some of the titles I should be looking for. Now I know intern does that make sense. I can totally take that out.

[00:36:58] You take lead out you have to adjust my results.

[00:37:12] So look at people have a recruiting background who know social media who are given human resources and social media marketing these need the types of people that you want to be targeting.

[00:37:21] And that's from a company standpoint this is tremendously valuable as well of course all three of these are landin employees. So it's recommending LinkedIn as an organization a target. But notice is also recommending similar size larger tech organizations. Google Facebook Amazon Microsoft Apple Salesforce right. Telling you these are where these are ruminations where you can find similar types of individuals finally allowed to say industry. There's some industries you can focus on the good parts of commonalities within these spaces might want to focus on these industries for the sake of talent the really really valuable not only from a candidate standpoint of course. I would start my search by going through these individuals and trying to find people that I like but also for just building the framework of the search itself.

The next generation of LinkedIn Recruiter is an automatic upgrade

[00:38:08] And with that goes I am ready to take some questions. Thank you guys I hope that was helpful. I hope you get some good tips and for sort of a dig around please ask questions or if you don't have passes that right at least of this year may get some questions from others. I thought of that could be valuable for you. So there you go for that.

[00:38:26] Yeah I think that has been fantastic a lot of great audience questions coming through I think we have upwards of over 300 questions. So there's a few that I can aggregate and but keep your questions coming in because we're going to pull them out and hopefully we can we have time to answer kind of that first question which we received a lot of.

[00:38:48] It is an automatic update to the current LinkedIn or it's a different account from LinkedIn recruiter.

[00:38:55] Great question. So this is an automatic upgrade. Everyone live on this platform. In June of this year early June of this year when 100 percent of our current customers and client went live on the tool.

[00:39:11] You should be seeing a current iteration. Everyone should be live on at this point. For the first 30 days that everyone wants life and you have the ability to toggle back and forth between the current iteration and the next generation recruiter and the old version of the platform of course we understand people have workflows you wanted to make the transition easy but at this point we're at a world where Foley kind of deprecating the old version of the platform and almost everyone should be fully life without being able to toggle back the old version of net back on next generation or at that point.

LinkedIn Recruiter pulls from social media for searches, and is also Boolean-capable

[00:39:45] Great thanks. And the next question is can you talk a little bit about what you mean by engaged with Iran.

[00:39:53] This is that Twitter Facebook etc. Or you have a little bit different that self-worth. So what it does is talking specifically about and I could actually just show you like in terms of my in dot com size and advice for a leading company page.

[00:40:15] One getting days with talent brand what we're talking about is taking public facing actions so meeting something that visible to the general public if they go to your LinkedIn page saying public seizing action with some sort of material that you shared or some way that you tried to engage people within your network who were following your company. So if I come through and that means specifically just 100 percent clear what's a in that that means of someone's life commented or shared some piece of content that you have that you've pushed out through your network so that could be a job posting that could be lost out of something that could be an article that you guys are sharing as an organization.

[00:40:56] Any sort of content that's being shared by the company you're able to see specifically those people who have engaged with that content in a public facing way as well as your company followers. The link didn't have 15 or 120 million I should say overall company followers. This is also being incorporated as well.

[00:41:18] Thanks. And the next question that a lot of people ask me about Boolean search can we tell you between third and next.

[00:41:27] Yep that traffic that I got to reiterate just what I've done the very beginning of this which is all of us filtered to those features that existed in the previous iteration are still here so if you think about the three fields that you could use boolean in in the old version of recruiter it was your keyword field. Your job title Deo's and your company field. And yet you can still use boolean and those same three fields the same 5 million modifiers still work in those fields. So it's your arms or not your quotations and your for the GS. All of those still operate the exact same way in the exact same field they worked on the same one. It will not work in life skills field or any of the other fields where it didn't work previously either only in the ones where it was working on the initial iteration.

Using the job preferences section to figure out details about active candidates

[00:42:14] Great.

[00:42:15] We also have a few questions about if a candidate is open to new opportunities. What do we see on LinkedIn recruiter.

[00:42:25] We have and so we can access that from a candidate standpoint or I'm assuming that from a candidate standpoint. So what you're doing is you're coming into your job preferences actually for members. If you're just an average member and you're coming through and you want to raise your hand and say you're open to having the conversation I can go to my jobs preferences go to a job that update my preferences here.

[00:42:51] And there is this option to share my career interests with recruiters.

[00:42:57] So by Tom live asking the questions what fields are you interested in. What role do you want to be considered for what job types you want. Is it a full time. We look at contract jobs and then also when this is critical when you're thinking about trying to phone for seconds you can see me thinking about contractor recruiting if any of you guys fill the contract roles. Also listing their specific start date. So what are they available to start a new contract and you're able to see that information when you filtered down those individuals you're able to see that start date in your search results which is really valuable. From ever experience this is where you got a summer job preferences is where you go to the top of the setting.

[00:43:43] Great thanks. And then also getting some feedback that people are able to see your screen. I'm not sure a button you need. All rights reserved.

[00:43:55] Our. I'm just a guy. So just so people can see what I just shared. I'm sorry John update your preferences all right here. All right. I suppose and then I can toggle on share my career and of recruiters. I choose my field. I choose what type of job I'm interested in. If I choose contract you know what happens to contract go to use. But thinking about it from a contract perspective how valuable it is.

[00:44:26] The other day I'm available for new contacts starting in October 2016. And then when you find this person in your search results and you'd better do that. I'm open to new opportunities Filter out any of the above. Also see when they're available start date.

Exclude or add attributes like current company, position, or education to better filter your search

[00:44:51] Great. And then the next question is and we're seeing a lot of that. Is it possible to exclude specific attributes such as company industry title or education.

[00:45:03] Yeah so that's where in any of the fields where you would use boolean previously you can continue to use your boolean modifier and you have the exclusion option here is filed to exclude specific titles that you choose to do so. The first I guess you just know that someone who's an account manager is just not going to make sense. You could do that there for sure. Or you can just do that. Not so I can come and I can pick the plus side and I can see people who I can but not they are all executive like their and it's going to filter out those people based on that and apart to include anything for it. Don't ever lose your bullying skills. You want to know how to use your boolean modifiers again. I don't think bullying will ever be going anywhere when it comes to using LinkedIn as just not as necessary and not as big a priority as it was in the old versions. There's certainly still instances where using something like the not modifier or in the keyword field using your modifiers might come in handy and might be something you want to use.

[00:46:09] Great thanks. And we're going to take one last question just in the interest of time. I do want to remind people that there is a little tab on the site so if you're interested in a personalized demo just click on that tab for the forum and we can get back to you.

[00:46:28] Rather quickly last question in the recruiter search for your candidate. An entire list comes up rather than one person. Is there a way to filter based on that.

[00:46:41] Miller producers for it entire list comes in. Can you repeat that part.

[00:46:47] Yes. So the question is there and the recruiter search far for a candidate.

[00:46:53] An entire an entire list comes up rather than one person on race.

[00:46:59] Race caller so let's say it's hard to do this without knowing an exact sample here. But if you have just the answer the question is if you have a very common name right where there is probably 300 people with the name that you're looking for on LinkedIn and you're trying to find a very specific John Smith you know if you type the person's company name after the title. So for example if I put John Smith in here to show me you know a couple different John Smith let's say I was specifically looking for this John Smith That's right passed by type John Smith and then I typed right because it's specifically the correct one.

[00:47:42] So keep that in mind if you're looking for someone who had a more common name where there's a lot of people on our network with that particular name putting the company name directly after it will help narrow down the individual that you're looking for.

[00:47:58] Awesome. This has been great thanks. Thanks everyone for additional information on LinkedIn talent solutions please visit our Website Business Link and dot com.

[00:48:06] If you're interested in a personalized email for your company there is a link you can click on inside the web in our window. And also please don't forget to take our survey. Just click on the survey monkey icon at the bottom of the screen and answer a few quick questions. Thanks again everybody thanks so much that thank you everyone.