LinkedIn Recruiter Index Overview

The LinkedIn Recruiter Index (LRI) measures your effectiveness in recruiting on LinkedIn. It is a metric designed for LinkedIn Recruiter users and the figures in the report are based on your LinkedIn Recruiter usage each month. 

LRI Calculation

The index measures a recruiter’s effectiveness against four essential activities as shown below. The scores for each category of activity (in parenthesis) add up to 100 points that make up the LRI score. 

  • Build (10): Establishing a professional presence on LinkedIn with a complete profile
  • Find (30): Efficiently identifying qualified candidates using search and research tools 
  • Engage (50): Engaging candidates with personalized conversations 
  • Manage (10): Collaborating and organizing your work to maximize team effectiveness and efficiency

How you Compare

The report includes peer-set benchmarks for some of the metrics. Benchmark peer-sets are determined based on the following criteria:

  • Metrics are benchmarked against LinkedIn Recruiter users in the same company if there are more than 10 LinkedIn Recruiter users in the same company.
  • If there are not more than 10 users in the same company, recruiters will be benchmarked against other users in the same industry.

Recruitment Activity Summary (One Year Period Up To The Report Month)

  • Profiles on LinkedIn: The total number of registered members on LinkedIn as of the report month.
  • Profile views: The number of profile views made in the past one year.
  • Candidates saved: The number of profiles saved in projects in the past one year.
  • Candidates approached via InMail: The number of members approached via InMails in the past one year.

Members who have been engaged recently

  • Impacted hires: A new hire at your organization that either had his/her profile viewed or saved by you on LinkedIn Recruiter, or received an InMail sent from you through LinkedIn Recruiter, in the 12 months prior to joining the company.
  • Members: The members engaged by you most recently in the past one year.
  • Companies: The top companies whose employees are most commonly engaged by you in the past one year.
  • Seniority: The seniority segmentation of members engaged by you in the past one year.

Detailed LRI Breakdown

This section looks at various metrics, amongst others, that contribute to your LinkedIn Recruiter Index. The data shown are based on the reported month only.

  • Profile Completion: An index measurement of how complete your LinkedIn profile is.
  • Days visited: The number of days the recruiter had logged in to LinkedIn Recruiter.
  • Searches made: The number of searches the recruiter had made on LinkedIn Recruiter.
  • Profiles viewed: The number of member profiles the recruiter had viewed on LinkedIn Recruiter.
  • InMails sent: The number of InMails the recruiter had sent through LinkedIn Recruiter.
  • InMails accepted: The number of InMails sent by the recruiter through LinkedIn Recruiter that were accepted by the recipient.
  • Acceptance rate: The percentage of InMails sent by the recruiter through LinkedIn Recruiter that were accepted by the recipient.
  • Searches saved: The number of searches the recruiter had saved on LinkedIn Recruiter.
  • Profiles saved: The number of profiles the recruiter had saved in projects on LinkedIn Recruiter.

Metrics shown in this segment are compared against the top 10% metric scores attained by the benchmark peer-set in each metric category. Refer to ‘How you Compare’ section of this document to understand how benchmark peer-sets are determined.