Use Marketing & Branding to Promote a Diverse Workplace



[00:00:03] Welcome everyone. Thank you for joining today's webcast. My name is Rebecca Seltmann and I am the senior global marketing and education program manager for White House brand Solutions team. I want to go over a couple of logistics items before we get started. Today's topic is how to build and promote a diverse workforce through branding. We are going to cover the webcast presentation today and there will be time at the end for you and if you have questions please feel free to enter them in the Q and A box. You will be monitoring that and we will try and get to as many questions as we can have been. Also at the end there is the opportunity to take a quick feedback survey. If you have a minute at the end we very much appreciate if you can provide feedback. We run this monthly webcast series and hope to continue to make them as valuable as possible for our audience. So we really do take your feedback to heart and we do look through all of it.
[00:01:02] So your comments are read.
[00:01:06] Thank you all for joining. I'm going to pass it over now to our speakers for today. We're joined by Christy Stubbs Korman who is a global talent acquisition program manager from Starbucks and melody Chong is a senior talent brand consultant here at LinkedIn. So Melody and Christy take it away.

Introducing the diversity experts

[00:01:27] Great thanks Becca and good morning good afternoon everybody. Thank you so much for spending 45 minutes with us today. We are thrilled to have you joining us. As Becca mentioned we're going to be focusing on how you can create a strong marketing program to help you build and promote a diverse workforce. So we know that this topic is near and dear to everyone's heart. And if you're attending this webcast today it means that you are interested in this topic and so that we can create a very meaningful and valuable webcast for you all. We'll be focusing specifically today on the Employer Branding aspect of this topic and how you can all take practical tips with you and implement them as your own organization. No matter what size your organization is. So as Becca said My name is Melody Chang and my role here is a talent consultant is to help some of our global clients build upon the power of networks their followers their employees and offer the broader LinkedIn’s user base. So I think I have the most fun job here and really honored to work with so many great people and I'm joined today by Kristy and I would love to give Kristy a moment to introduce herself. Hi everybody.
[00:02:48] My name is Kristy Coleman and I've spent a total of 11 years actually at Starbucks the past nine years.
[00:02:55] In our Talent Acquisition Group for seven years I supported the Canadian market and in the past two on our global team. So I do recruitment marketing and really get to do what I love every single day and recruit great talent to our company. And I specifically support diversity and inclusion group are opportunities for youth veterans and military spouses Starbucks college achievement plan a refugee inspiring commitment and also are retail groups so really like I said have a dream role in many ways on our recruitment marketing team and excited to be here with you today.
[00:03:33] Wonderful thank you so much Kristy and just another thank you to you for joining us today. I know that many of the attendees online are anxious to hear from you. Go ahead and move on to her agenda and apologize about the formatting on the flight but wanted to go over what we're going to be talking about today. We'll be focusing on a few key areas. Our agenda will cover an overview of the diversity inclusion and imperative and why we all care so much about the topic. But the bulk of our time will be focused on discussing how you can really rightsize your diversity branding strategy and really embrace the idea of one size does not fit all when it comes to targeting different audiences as well as hearing from me you'll be hearing from Kristy who will be sharing more about how Starbucks is tackling this topic and really focusing on how Kristy and her team focus on knowing their audiences and how their strategies are aligned to their brands. Their program and their social impact agenda.
[00:04:39] So as Becca mentioned we'll have time for questions and at the end diving in to the Diversity Inclusion imperative though on a macro level we all know that having diversity of thighed backgrounds and attitudes makes for better teams.

The statistics behind diverse workplaces

[[00:04:57] Certainly our products and solution oriented groups within our organization. But there are real numbers behind this. So some of you may have seen the statistic on the last day on McKinsey report stating that gender diverse companies are 50 percent more likely to outperform their peers financially and in that same statistic applies to ethnically diverse company as that jumps up to 35 percent. We also know that diversity needs to start early even in our key to aid programs as we know that the percentage of females graduating in computer sciences degrees decreased from 35 percent to 18 percent in the last 20 years. And eventually this makes their way into our organizations where we become very interested in increasing the numbers of women in technology. But the number one reason why many diversity initiatives fail is because they're branding initiatives or even our talent acquisition strategy. Don't bring in candidates with a true reflection of really what's going on in some companies. So anything that we're talking about today we need to ensure that you're thinking of your own organization and where you may be on this diversity journey to ensure that any branding you're doing is authentic. And the stats here in this slide show us a Harvard Business Review study reflecting some of the ways that inclusion plays a huge part in making diversity within organizations. So you'll see that employees with inclusive managers are really able to shine and that women who leave their organizations would say that they would stay if they had flexible work options. But to me the third line is really where we see we see it all in that employees are able to bring their whole selves to work. Are 42 percent less likely to say that they intend to leave their job within a year? Don't we think about inclusion diversity? Is it like being invited to the party and inclusion as being asked today and so be sure you're playing the right music and that's the great quote that I have actually posted up on my wall or thinking about this topic. Even here at least 10 within our own organization and talking about the importance of our own employees being able to feel included and the productivity that we lose when our employees are worrying about where they fit in. We know from our own employee poll surveys that minorities spend between 35 and 40 percent of their time wondering where and how they belong. So it's critical to be hyper aware of this element and how it may be playing into your organizations.

Customizing your branding strategy

[[00:08:02] When you're thinking about your branding strategy linked here we've we've created an index to try to measure our diversity and inclusion efforts. And it's called dibs. LinkedIn is using this diversity inclusion plus the longing to really emphasize the importance of how these play together. And we've instituted here with Pat's leadership Town Hall asking employees to tell their stories offering biased trainings and training our recruiters to pay more attention to feelings and in interviews and using our employee verse voice survey. We are now measuring this as a measure of success and our executive management reads every anecdotal comment made by our own employees to really gain a sense of how we can improve in this area. So as a follow up to today it's important to just think about where your urbanization may be know on this journey. In order for this brand to work to ensuring that it will be a success based on what the reality is within your organization.

[00:09:12] So thinking about your diversity branding strategy one size does not fit all. And what do we mean by that?
[00:09:21] Think of your own organization's brand for a moment in your brand should be one story told two different audiences. Some companies perhaps like yourselves on the phone and also like us to. That has developed an organizational value proposition in developing their brand to mean the same thing to customers to the press. The larger world itself as well as candidates and Starbucks is a great example of this as well that we all know and love from when we walk into a Starbucks store. You read about Starbucks apply for a job there. We have a broad sense of what it might like to be work to work there.

[00:10:03] Thinking about your diversity branding strategy doesn't mean that one size fits all when it comes to your employer branding messages and how to target those and really it's key to understanding what message is going to resonate best with different diverse audiences. So in order to gain the most from your branding and particularly if you're running paid advertising to get the best are alive from those dollars you need to customize your strategy for different audiences but also aligning them to your overarching brand.

Knowing your audience and reaching veteran candidates

[00:10:38] When it comes to diversity branding you need to get to know your audiences. So learn who they are learning what they like and learn what matters to them and this will pay off by increased engagement from your audiences over time. So getting to know these audiences is key and today we'll go through two examples of targeted audiences.

[00:11:04] Targeted audiences where you made the irrelevant to many companies. The first example that we'll talk about today is the veteran audience so I wanted to caveat this by saying that we recognize many veterans and organizations would not associate any veteran hiring in particular with diversity efforts. But as many organizations that we worked with their internal resource groups and also hiring efforts are also closely aligned. But keep in mind that you can scale the strategy to really any audience but year after year diversity efforts. So if you take the example of Daniel Savage who you'll see here in the picture. Daniel is the head of veterans programs here and has an Army veteran experience at many companies and between his service and now his current role in turn that in him represents thousands of qualified veterans and transitioning service members that can bring tremendous value to any of our organizations. We do take them to what might make a veteran like Daniel when they're thinking about getting that next job. It's critical to learn about what veterans care most about link veteran insights reporter which you got access to after the Webcast. It tells us that based on veterans own responses to the survey veterans are really interested in making an impact. More than the average length number are also falling into the top of the list. That's higher for veterans compared to non veterans are a couple things. So work life balance job security working at a place they're proud to work. And also company culture fall to the top and are significantly more important to veterans based on the feedback than our overall audience. And again this data is available to you based on our veterans Insights Report and our employee value proposition survey that we run on an annual basis. If you're interested in learning more about this you can request this from your link in relation to our to take this information and also there may be others that you're gathering from your own employee resource groups.

Using data to understand your audience

Other platforms or strategies career events and data that you can gather about this audience and create this matrix that helps you really understand who your audiences. This is an exercise that can help you really get a good picture of what your ideal candidates look like and how to target your branding messages. So on the demographics you'll look you'll see things like where do people live. How are there? What is their experience level? What are their skills behaviors? We know that veterans are more likely to accept emails online than the highly involved in groups. They have a very high mobile usage geography. We know where the highest concentration of veterans may be and then the psychographics which you'll see in the green this is really where you get your messaging. You want to use things that veterans care about in your target advertising and this is going to really help you craft your strategy. That's going to resonate best with veterans so a couple of things that you can do is released scale a strategy that's very targeted to different audiences. This should be on your career site. It should be online. Then it should be on Glassdoor on any other places where you are. You're doing branding to audiences and really roll out the red carpet. Tallington members can now select their audiences from a drop down menu from your link in page so you'll see an example of Starbucks and how they've created a great page specifically dedicated to veterans. They also see an example of Cisco. And they have done an outstanding job too of a building out women in tech page that specifically targeted to this audience and some great custom messaging and this is a really great way to make your audience is still welcome another example is Wells Fargo taking action through messaging and using the data that we've discussed to create a very targeted strategy. Wells Fargo plans to hire 20000 veterans by 2020 and also understanding what makes veterans tick and in work life balance is on the top of that list. The Wells Fargo wanted to reverse that perception of poor work life balance and they did that by creating a series of marketing strategies an ongoing post pushed out through various means.

Achieving gender diversity in the workplace

So our second example is around gender diversity. It's a hot topic of many of our customers on the phone no doubt. So many companies are using targeted strategies around women in leadership or technology. Certainly other audiences. And really thinking about driving a warm line warm pipeline of female candidates through to the recruiters the elite capture campaigns are also just building awareness about opportunities that your company through in a similar way. What do women want? We know that there are a lot of cultural nuances functional nuances here that might play into understanding the data for similar to the veterans report. This is data that you can request from relationship managers to help understand. What do women want and how you can use the state in your messaging strategy. So you'll notice women in India care more about strong career path challenging work job security where you see that women in the US are more interested in culture that fits my personal ability to make an impact work arrangement. But both good work life balance excellent comp and benefits tying for the top so it's important to think about if you're a global company how you need to tweak and understand the audiences and cultural nuances that are going to affect your branding. You go through a similar exercise to what we talked about with the veterans and really build out a crafted strategy that's going to resonate with your audience. In the end you want to be after a great platform builder here. That's going to help you understand what are the different platforms you want to use professional value props behavior and other types of data and psychographics going to help you procure message.

Unique ways to brand your company through content

So couple of ideas about content what you normally see from companies pushing out content based around things like PR words for talent brand you really want to think about creating an index fund and to your branding strategy. So things like humor videos and pictures employee testimonials really want to leverage your own employees to help you build this content. And for those of you who may be thinking how they have to get content it's easier than you think to get started. One of the best ways that I would recommend the first thing that I would do at my organization would be to get content from their own employees get it get those from generating a list of a SWAT team of people that are interested and there are social and that are potentially recruiters with a passion for social that can help you build these out and you can start with very casual things like like Intel did on the last you'll see an example of an intel post that push where you see pictures taking pictures of women that they've taken just running being themselves and posting this and targeting them to that audience to see examples of Disney and women in tech attending events together Adobe creating a really great series of women it female oriented videos about women in sales women in tech and using those kind of strategies and internet content. You can also find out who within your organization is already social and posting and enlist those folks to be willing to share that content and push that out from your company. You can also partner with marketing social your employee resource group communications and this is something that was inspired by Christy and really talk about how Starbucks has done so creating content from companies like HP had done competitions with their interns and hosting those using hashtag called HP insiders. So thinking about how you can make this sign and then more than likely there's probably a lot of content that's being created around diverse audiences within your company that already exists. So it's a matter of partnering with internal groups and helping them to create authentic content and lastly creating that hashtag. And this is if you haven't done this before. Think about maybe life at your company name is a great way to start. But this is a great thing to start injecting in to your branding and also your employee post.

Diverse workplaces start with strong, inclusive cultures

[00:20:47] I'm going to go ahead and turn it over to Khrissy to hear from her Starbucks experience. So Khrissy has the video.
[00:20:55] Thanks Melody. I love the ideas. So I want to share with you guys today just a sort of a peek into my world and the groups that I support. From a diversity recruitment perspective and how I see one size does not fit all come to life every single day. And I mean it's actually the little bit about the process our audience considerations and sound strategy and though I think you know to understand how we approach diversity recruitment. You really need to understand a bit more about a company and I want to give you guys insight because they are so so lies. So our mission as a company is to inspire and nurture the human spirit. One person one cop in one neighborhood at a time. And our first value to support that mission is creating a culture of belonging inclusion and diversity. And you know from day one this is a very poor in our in our offices. You understand what that mission is and those values and you know belonging inclusion diversity all words that nobody's talked about.
[00:21:58] And so I mean it really is these values and how they come to life in our culture that have kept me so long have kept you know a lot of people working for a very long time at Starbucks and they are you know the reason for me to believe in what I do every single day. And we believe that each person brings a distinct life experience to the table. So our partners are diverse not only in gender race ethnicity sexual orientation disability religion or age but also in cultural backgrounds life experience thoughts and ideas.
[00:22:30] And as recruiters we seek out that diversity because embracing it not only enhances our work culture but it drives our business success. So when Layton asked me to discuss the impact of diversity hiring I thought Wow it's so powerful really it drives our business success and it's the inclusion of these diverse experiences in perspective that create our culture of empowerment and innovation and economic growth and new ideas. So it also allows us to be relevant to the communities that we serve and this is something that's really really important to us. And I think the platform that I want to share is you know no matter what area of the business you work in and support we really strive to create a brand and an experience that is welcoming to everybody. And that's our customers our partners for employees. And as it relates today to our candidates and so because diversity is so integral to everything that we do it is you know really kind of like a natural light meant to arbitrament marketing strategies. So I hope that gives you guys a bit of the background that I think is helpful.

How Starbucks fosters a diverse workplace of women, veterans, and refugees

So I love what melody says one story told to different audiences. And you know this is like I said a sneak peek into my world everyday and these are the groups that I support. And we're talking really about the partner strategy you know peace when it comes to diversity today. And I'm sharing with you guys here the different groups that I support that help us to hire a diverse workforce. But I also on the bottom have shown you the various brands and some of them emerging brands that we're recruiting for because we're actually diverse in those job profiles that we're hiring for. And I think that's a really interesting you know part to what we're doing a lot of you might be in a similar boat where you have multiple brands and multiple audiences that you're you're attracting diversity and inclusion group. You know this could include our overarching Starbucks call for four attraction as well as supporting our partner network. We have over partner over nine partner networks now the pride alliance Women's Development Network the millennial network. These are amazing sources for me in you know as Kristy as Melody mentioned in recruitment and understanding these audiences. We have startup college achievement plan and this is really a benefit that we offer that helps us to attract a very diverse workforce and we have a bowl of graduating over 25000 partners which is amazing. Our veterans and military spouse group and we're really excited that we hit our mark of 10000 hires. We hit this by 2018. We said it this year it was so exciting and so now we're looking at 25000 hires by 2025 and the last their opportunity for youth and this is part of a coalition that we started in each one of these audiences is a little bit different. And I think that speaks to the one size doesn't fit all and not even shown here. But our newest commitment is also refugee heavy. And so. With so much happening we need to have a process that we could follow so that we can you know whether it's a process or a formula. But something that allows us to seamlessly integrate all of these different priorities into our recruitment marketing campaigns. And so as we get a new commitment or a new company goal we're able to be really efficient with how we incorporate it into what we're doing in marketing. So I want to share this with you guys. It's very simple. He said I hope can take away first looking at the ideal outcome and what I mean by this is you know is it about making hires. Is it about you know is it about supporting you know the growth in one area of your business. Is it about sharing a benefit like ours our service college achievement plan. What is the outcome you want to have and then who is your audience? Melody it's great talking about this audience and how important it is but fully understanding who we need to attract with our recruitment efforts is so important. And we did probably know a lot a lot of detail some might say too much detail or really educate ourselves and research deeply into understanding this audience and then how we need to engage with them. What is going to resonate with them? What benefits are important to this audience. What experience as a partner is important to them and what is going to be the reason for them to choose Starbucks. And then we look at the tools and channels to make sure that we aligned yes the outcome. And I think that these four questions really could help steer your diversity recruiting strategies or maybe even kick start them.

Leveraging specific tools and channels to reach targeted diversity outcomes

[00:27:40] What do I mean by a tool.
[00:27:46] So we know that not every tool in our recruitment marketing tool box drives a same outcome. But I think when we break that down we can understanding which one of those levers we need support or maybe where our recruitment marketing dollars are best spent and so on a far less. There you have our broader channels. This is really a brand play and we have a big reach here. We're doing a lot of storytelling. Sometimes there's three channels sometimes they're not but they usually have a bigger audience so we looked into a career site. This could be really where we share reasons to believe and this is where the research happens. This is where they go into a crusade and they start to learn more and understand if their values align. And so it's such a crucial place and a big part of our recruitment marketing strategies. And then we have conversion and we talk about that at Starbucks applications. So these are our job boards and how we show up on the various channels where we advertise their jobs and so you know it's important to know if we're trying to share with a large audience an amazing benefit like Starbucks college achievement plan and free education while you work for us. You know which channels are we going to use. you know a very specific job that we need to hire in high volume could be more on the conversion side of this or this like that. So that's what I mean by ensuring that it's dropped through where your marketing and how that connects to your ideal outcome because if you are in a recruitment team right now then you know that those dollars are pretty precious and if you're in diversity or marketing then I think this is a really insightful stuff for you. They want to take you through an example to sort of see this coming to life and how we think this through. And I've been so fortunate to work on our opportunities for youth initiatives both in the U.S. and Canada. And so I chose to dig into that today.

A must-have checklist to consider when you’re marketing jobs to specific audiences

So I want to talk about audience considerations specifically and how you see this sort of thought process come into play here. So I have a bit of a checklist for you guys here at this checklist could be really long. But you know I've kept it pretty short and sweet. So the first one is effective job of job advertisements are a big part of recruitment marketing right. This isn't the description. This isn't what the generalists have created are what total pay uses. This is how we advertise the job. And this language can really evoke emotion. And it's so important because that's what we want to do when it comes to marketing right. So we not when it comes to opportunities we would not want to have a job and that's for example intimidating. We wanted to be very welcoming. We want the language to be very inclusive. We think of benefits what are the benefits that are going to resonate with this audience. Is it a college achievement plan. We actually added a new benefit in the last couple of years in theU.S. offering a free Spotify monthly membership and that's pretty powerful and we're hiring the volume that we're hiring at the retail level into our barista positions. That's a really exciting benefit. And so we're marketing that benefit and we're choosing instead to align with the audience that we're recruiting.
[00:31:09] We're looking at store locations design we're looking at associations that we partner with and the visibility that we have in certain markets and this is audience and we're definitely considering whether their customers. And this is a really interesting one because. In some cases. When we were. Set our sights on an. Offering. OF. 100000 opportunities for youth. In the U.S.
[00:31:32] We realized that in some cases they weren't customers and they weren't familiar with our brand and that was a really important piece. Is it feasible? How it's currently set up for this audience the information that you can find on a career site.
[00:31:49] And also how we're advertising for example if we putting all of our dollars behind social and this audience just wasn't using social to be kind of like knocking us around.

Gaining insights from metrics to track the success of diversity recruitment campaigns

00:31:59] So what emerged when it came to offer to the youth. And our strategy for recruitment was it was to have large scale events and you would notice that if you're in the U.S. you have probably heard and seen that we had them in large cities across the U.S. last year and created this very immersive experience and they were welcomed you know they were inspired we took the day off with a motivational speaker and these students that did not have the opportunities that other people have had.
[00:32:31] We're uplifted and inspired. They felt welcome and it immediately took away some of that intimidation factor of finding a job right. And so I think that this hopefully shows you a lot of the thought process that goes into in this case are recruitment marketing happens where opportunity use. And it was very successful. Really amazing stories emerge know where a mother brings their daughter into interview at one of these events and they will end up getting hired and that then becomes the content that fuels future recruitment marketing with this audience.

[00:33:08] Why did you guys some other sort of hot tips things that we think are kind of key to our success so metrics are very important.

[00:33:19] Everyone looks at different metrics but I think that looking at your Google Analytics and where people are coming to your career site or your landing pages or microsites is so important. So during a recruitment campaign where we're spending a little bit more money we're watching this very very closely. We're also in our applicant tracking system or looking at application volume to know if they're. Converting right. So we might have a lot of people visiting the site. But then we have. The people applying. And so what's missing and maybe they didn't find the information they were looking for in our career site. So before during and after our campaign. We're looking at the total applications. And then if any of you were. Lucky enough to get to tell that last year. You might have heard my colleagues talk about cost per application. And this is a really exciting metric where. We're looking at our total. Spend on one channel versus our total applications from that channel. And so we can quickly compare multiple job boards or places online we're advertising jobs and find out whether the cost to advertise on that channel is valuable to us and it really helps us put our marketing dollars in the right places.

Partnering up to reach diverse university talent through youth-driven content

And the last piece I want to leave you with is about getting outside of the group. So if you're in diversity getting excited first if you're in marketing and getting up and marketing if you're in recruitment definitely getting outside of recruitment and. What I mean by this is. Leveraging employee groups. You know partnering with a creative studio or partnering with consumer marketing teams for public affairs global responsibility even digital and social and the example here that I'm sharing for you is about our Starbucks college achievement plan. I think it's a great one that showcases how building relationships and aligning your strategies can have such a greater impact. So you know a hashtag to be in college isn't going to take off unless we have the social and digital team and support. And we're not to be able to create the advertising that we need to create with our partnering with the creative studio and probably most exciting is our recent partnership with the Consumer Marketing Group where we were able to see the Starbucks college achievement plan and benefits featured on the front page of Starbucks and even showcased in a pretty premium spot in a commercial recently. So I really want to take that away that you know if you're speaking the same language with these groups and you understand what you're what you're really doing when it comes to diversity recruitment you can have such a great impact through that partnership with the legal guys with a little sneak peek into that video that I talked about that in a certain finale last week and.
[00:36:11] I grew up in a single parent household. College was the last thing to think about how do I go back pay for school.
[00:36:17] I mean there's financial aid but you only go so far you can get your degree for free after free time.

[00:36:43] Halfbacks melody great things Kirsty and I hope everybody could hear and see that amazing video but just wanted to leave you also a couple of key takeaways the moral turning over for questions. So just to think about some of the things we talked about today and summarize them in two nuggets that you can take back is research and educate get to know your audiences. Goes take the time to invest upfront and go through the exercises of learning who you want to target what they care about and create a strategy that you can move forward with. Second is to customize your diversity marketing messages that align them to your overarching company's mission and values. And lastly as Kristy just discussed partner outside of town acquisition for content think about other groups within your organization that likely have amazing content that you can repurpose for a branding strategy. So no one would be going to your employee resource groups marketing social digital PR or even social responsibility university recruiting. There are a lot of organizations where university recruiting is doing their own their own thing within the organization that they have a definite crossover with diversity recruiting in their diversity strategy combined with university. First another creative way to partner internally.
[00:38:16] So go ahead and turn it over to better for.

Bringing your whole self to work to power belonging in the workplace

[00:38:21] Thank you Melody. Thank you Kristy. I was often hearing you talk through all of the great advice and tips and information about diversity hiring and branding for diversity. Also without goal kicker you and a couple of quick notes. For those that might be jumping up soon again if you have a chance to take the survey and provide feedback we greatly would appreciate that. Also everyone will receive a follow up email within the next few days with a link to the reporting and a copy of this slide. So just be on the lookout for that. And with that I'm going to open it up to Q and A. And so the first question that we have now nullity this is referring to I believe it was on Slide 6 the last bullet point talked about people who bring their wholesalers to work. And so someone is asking what does he mean by his whole.
[00:39:15] Yes. So bringing your whole self to work is part of the power of belonging. So when employees are able to be themselves in at work and that regardless of race gender ethnicity sexual orientation some of the things we discussed today where they're able to be their self at work they're much more effective.
[00:39:43] That's helpful.

Prioritizing inclusion and creating microsites to reach talent and promote diverse cultures

00:39:45] And it's awful think Melanie. Kristy this one's for you. It came up during your portion of the presentation. This person is asking what is a microsites. So maybe you talk a little bit about how Starbucks uses microsites or what they are and how you view them.
[00:39:59] That would be great.

[00:40:01] Absolutely. So I'm looking at her overall career size plus careers and then I'm also in these sample of the Starbucks college achievement plan. I'm looking at Starbucks dot com slash college plan.
[00:40:15] So I'm looking at a very specific area of our career site and a microsite is really just a separate spot where you might be driving traffic. So for example if you are hiring white women in tech you come up with like a catchy campaign and you have a hashtag and you also have a separate site from your career site until you're able to really track who's coming and checking out that information before they go and apply.
[00:40:44] Great.
[00:40:44] Thank you. Every question here someone is asking how did Starbucks tie the hiring for diversity with the inclusion. That's how you guys create opportunities for belonging to secure tenure of diverse candidates.

[00:40:59] Well I think that you know the culture and leadership. I think the priorities of our company I think that they all encourage inclusion. I also believe we have one of the best training and education programs so that we're not just talking about well you know what we mean by inclusion but we're actually educating our partners on how to create that inclusive environment. I think that's probably a key piece for us.

Updating LinkedIn content to engage with candidates and create an inclusive company brand

[00:41:33] Thank you Melody. This is probably a question for you. What is the best way to share content using LinkedIn?

[00:41:43] The best way to share content is to. Well, a microsite. There are a couple of ways. One is that you need to think about again going to that exercise and sharing turnover content that you potentially already have on your career site training career your career site or any splash pages that you may have there and update your company page on LinkedIn. Totally free to do and something that everybody can go back and do. Taking your company page updating content there if you have a linked interior page you can also update that content on your page to reflect diversity. So even if you don't have an opportunity to create targeted views to some of the examples we showed you in the beginning of the presentation you can so create diversity in messaging with within yours. And saw a couple questions that are out as well. We have different levels of per page that we offer that we offer some of those come with targeted views where you could create those types of targeted her page with their supposedly Kentuck Shirlington relationship manager about but as far as pushing the content out you can do that at no cost to your followers. It's a really great way to start to start engaging your followers online and so on your company page you'll be able to see how many followers you have. And anybody that's an admin on that page. Typically it's somebody from marketing talent acquisition Employer Branding would create that content that we talked about today and push that out to your followers and that's a really great way to do that and get started. You can also push out content on a paid basis which is through our sponsored content and that allows you to get outside of your follower base and target anyone online 10 you can target by gender diversity. We have an email algorithm and also groups targeting that we are able to combine. There are also other ways that you can create targeted content to different groups and unlink 10 based on segments that we're able to build out. Are they some latent profiles. And lastly I would also say that it's a great practice to encourage your own employees to share out their first degree connections on the Internet using your own employees is a great way to create again that SWAT team of employee ambassadorship to have people start sharing just with their team and what they're doing within the company.

Attributing diverse candidates to different channels along the hiring journey

[00:44:25] Great seasonality. Another question here this is for Kristy. You talk about some of the metrics that you go through. So someone is asking you can talk more about your attribution model and how you attribute diverse candidates to different channels along the hiring journey. How are you able to measure the diverse candidate came through LinkedIn versus know your own Web site vs. a job board for example.
[00:44:51] That's a great question. It is not always easy. Everything that I'll give you an example. So for the last couple weeks we've been running a campaign around the college achievement plan. And so we're able to pretty clearly tell that most of our recruitment marketing dollars right now are talking about that program and we can see a real spike in the people visiting our career site staying longer in our site. So we're getting more and more easy ones. Otherwise we have a feature so once you become a partner and you're hired by Starbucks we give you the opportunity to help. And everybody wants to do that. But it does help us understand how successful we are being and definitely helps with a lot of our aggressive goals that we have with ensuring opportunity for all.

Getting branding teams involved in recruitment marketing efforts

[00:45:49] Great. Thank you. Another question that I knew we would get on this webcast and I'll let you do what you answer this first but now I'm sure you have insight into this as well probably from other customers that you work with.
[00:46:02] But that person is asking if you can share tips on how you were successfully able to get your branding and marketing teams engaged on recruitment marketing efforts.
[00:46:13] Sure. So this is a great question and sometimes it's a very difficult one to crack but I think what has made us successful is having a very clear strategy in talking in their language. So I'll give you an example of marketing. We were able to talk about our recruitment process in basically language around an e-commerce model. So where we have coffee cups that you would add to your cart and buy online we also have an applicant tracking system that shelves jobs and when they add those jobs to their cart they are applying. It's very simple but when we're talking to them in their language they can understand our strategy and see our metrics. They think it was clear for them to understand how important it was that were recruiting great talent and to look just how closely aligned we are. So I think that's my first one. Workgroups have been really effective for me as well so workgroup could mean that we have someone from recruitment. We have someone from benefits. We have someone from board design in some cases. We have somebody from Public Affairs from our newsroom and we bring them all together to talk about what each of our sort of like piece of the pie is for this recruitment initiative thanks for the melody.

Inclusive workplaces start from the top down, and grow with continuous branding

[00:47:35] Any thoughts there any anything you've seen from other customers that were successful in getting marketing partner with anything to the employee resource groups is such an untapped resource there and think not how to get people involved. I think that those people that are an employee resource groups are typically very receptive to being able to share content about what they're involved with. But things like marketing or other groups. First of all I believe that the companies that have been most successful authors it starts from the top you need to have buy in from your company. That diversity is important. And that getting this branding messages out is going to affect the bottom line. Another is another way that I've seen this be done is organizations that have taken that have it just in general form Employer Branding like HP and having a leader that it really believed in that branding and building out a social support team from all the different regions different groups. And if you're a small company you could even do this if you're not global you could even do this based on what deal with your taproot and any other groups that you have out there and find people that potentially are recruiters for people that share socially. So if you if you've got employees that are already publishing long form posts and then gather a SWAT team of people that can help you gather content from the different groups and make it fun you know create a contest get people engaged because you'll find that most people that are already social want to continue sharing is always going to be people that are not comfortable doing that and that's okay. But I would create a SWAT team to help you gather all of those things together because then again the buyer needs to come from from the top. And in that that this is important. Otherwise it's going to be really difficult to get people like marketing to me to care about this and getting that content to. You've got some ideas already creating a blog with things like that. That's also a great way to just repurpose and Google this content help that person become a hero now help them get their content out to a larger audience. You can gather that only that content and then push it out in. From a company page closer a couple of ways that I think might be successful.

[00:50:05] Wonderful thank you. We are aware of our time but it seems like we had a lot on the line you are enjoying the Q and A for that. I will give her a chance to answer one last question and we will have to end this action unfortunately. But you all receive a copy of the report on the fly. And if you if you are online you didn't get your questions answered because we didn't have a chance to get it. Please feel free to reach out to your relationship manager.

Encouraging diversity in small startups starts with a champion of inclusion

[00:50:36] We will be sending out team as well as some of the crashes that were lost. So you know we don't want to go with your fashion idea please feel free to reach out to someone at the end of that question and I'll open this to both of you for the same. What advice do you have for small companies or startups trying to start diversity and inclusion initiatives but are told by leadership that it is not a priority or does not warrant attention and resources. An interesting one.

[00:51:13] Military ties still are still think yeah go ahead. I have a couple comments. Go ahead.
[00:51:24] Yeah. See just from my own personal experience here at LinkedIn I've been here for about six and a half years now. So not that we were definitely still a tiny startup when I began here but we were only about 2000 employees when I started. I don't even know what we're up to now but probably about 10 times that. And a lot of what I've seen was really kind of grassroots. I mean LinkedIn has always valued diversity from what I've seen since I've been here but in probably the last few years it wasn't as much as a qualified and really ingrained part of the marriage RNC team got me a lot of what I saw started from individuals in the company who are just interested in starting their own kind of inclusion initiative. So one of our largest it probably is the largest employer resource group battling den. It's something called Warley it stands for women at LinkedIn and it was actually started by a couple of women in the Chicago office on the net price said and they were just people that were interested in kind of getting a group together.

[00:52:25] And now it's become a huge huge resource group that you know a vast majority of women are involved in some way shape or form across the company and it's given way to a lot of other people who wanted to start employee resource groups. We had black inclusion group. We have a Hispanic Lincoln Group we have military and veterans group battling. And so I would say for companies that maybe don't have executive buy in or leadership support for you maybe find some of those champions within your employee base that are interested in getting involved and kind of think more of a grassroots approach.

Diverse workplaces can stem from informal, grassroots initiatives

[00:53:03] Yeah I would agree I think that you know in some cases there won't be a formal diversity program but it is really like that idea. I also think that there is typically a champion within the organization that you know really comes out and says look this is important. So it really does take that takes some time someone to create metrics around really looking at who you have in your current workforce but that you know that may take time and we know that that may not be realistic in any organization. So I think also people just don't know how to do that. So I I tend to agree that it's going to be grassroots but also in small ways that you can do. Somebody can leaders in organizations so if you've got managers mid level to high level managers in a certain group can really champion that and likely that's going to be scaled to other parts of the organization. So even if you have managers that help those grassroots groups get visibility.
[00:54:11] That's a great way to start thinking about it.
[00:54:20] Kristy do you have anything you want to add if not more.

[00:54:24] Yeah no. I think that that's great. I think that's a good point that it doesn't need to be. It can be informal insert small right and incorporate into everything you do whether you're sourcing and you're using their you know diverse search terms and associations on LinkedIn like you can really incorporate it into everything you're doing when it comes to recruitment.
[00:54:44] We don't have to just think about like a big expensive marketing that we might have you know showcased today. So I agree doesn't need to be formal free to have an impact. Absolutely.
[00:54:55] Wonderful. Don't think you heard the analogy it was a pleasure having you on today. Thank you everyone for joining us again. As I said most of time we'll all get a copy of the slides as well as a link to the recording in the next few days you'll get an email with it. So keep an eye out for that. If we didn't get your questions please feel free reach out to your relationship manager at LinkedIn. We are here to hopefully answer all the questions that you have and help you with your diversity initiatives and our company marketing. So with that I will wrap it up. Thank you everyone and have a great afternoon.
[00:55:32] Thanks everybody.