Merrill Lynch is een Amerikaanse investerings- en vermogensbeheerder.
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Klanten en partners
Vind de juiste prospects 90% sneller dan voorheen
Begin uw eigen succesverhaal over social selling.
Shawn Robertson, VP Global Commercial & Channel Sales, SAP
Zowel grote als kleine bedrijven gebruiken social selling. Bekijk hoe ze hun pipeline en omzet verbeteren met onze salestools.
Merrill Lynch is een Amerikaanse investerings- en vermogensbeheerder.
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Ontdek hoe PA Consulting de juiste inzichten krijgt met LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
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Lees hoe Turtle & Hughes digitaal kon uitbreiden met LinkedIn Sales Navigator toen hun traditionele manier om leads te zoeken wegviel.
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Ontdek hoe Softcat salestechnologie rond LinkedIn Sales Navigator bouwt.
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Het salesteam van Zendesk schakelde aan het begin van de COVID-pandemie over op virtuele verkopen. Dankzij Sales Navigator kreeg het salesteam diepgaande inzichten over hun doelklanten. Dankzij Sales Navigator kreeg het salesteam diepgaande inzichten over hun doelklanten. Daardoor kregen ze meer LinkedIn-connecties, nieuwe afspraken en oogstten ze intern veel steun.
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Hoe Royal HaskoningDHV de transformatie van haar interactie met klanten is begonnen en de manier van verkopen totaal heeft veranderd.
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Facilicom maakt zijn eigen groeiplan op Sales Navigator
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BMC is connecting with a new, broader set of decision-makers.
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Cad Disegni shortens the sales cycle and boosts deal sizes with Sales Navigator
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AI-powered cardiac screening company, Eko, finds prospecting clarity with Sales Navigator intel
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"Using Sales Navigator and the advanced search functionality, we were able to identify the senior executive who matched our criteria."
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How FM:Systems Gets the Full Picture on Pipeline with Sales Navigator
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Kallidus ups its business development game with Sales Navigator
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"We used Sales Navigator to access the Executives and now are strategically aligning with the entire organization worldwide."
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Optus is more than just a telco, providing exclusive premium entertainment and sport content across a range of platforms.
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Percolate achieves prospecting precision with help from Sales Navigator
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"Out of the 70 individuals we targeted, we had 14 attend the event and set up face-to-face meetings for those who didn't attend."
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PTC's global sales organization gains sales intelligence from Sales Navigator and achieves major results.
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RBO PrintLogistix leverages Sales Navigator to expand markets and make a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic
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SAP leverages Digital Selling Tactics with LinkedIn
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Smarter Ecommerce GmbH Adopts Sales Navigator, Gathers Insights and Engages Prospects in New Territories
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Spendesk’s Investment Pays off in Higher Response Rates and Qualified Opportunities
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Sprinklr Grows Their Customer Base with LinkedIn Sales Navigator
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Sales Navigator helps Sumo Logic with the heavy lifting of finding leads.
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Verizon Enterprise Solutions makes the right call with Sales Navigator.
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