Man and woman having a friendly conversation and being supportive of each other

Create Projects to find and manage candidates from one place.

  • Create a Project
    This allows you to find candidates based on job titles, location, and more.
  • Refine your Search
    Use filters such as skills, keywords, or Spotlights to find qualified matches.
  • Share Projects
    Collaborate with hiring managers and other teammates for better workflow.
Search results that contain a list of candidates
A place to write and send personalized InMail messages to candidates

Connect with your best candidates using InMail messaging.

  • Send an InMail
    Message any candidate directly, even those you’re not connected with.
  • Improve outreach
    Send messages indivdually, or send them in bulk to multiple candidates.
  • Increase response-rates
    InMail Analytics help you track and improve your effectiveness.

Keep your team in the know every step of the way.

  • Streamline your pipeline
    Keep your Projects up to date and accessible across the team.
  • Stay organized
    View communications history, get critical insights, and add notes as you go.
  • Optimize workflow
    Access everything in one place, with the ability to search and pull analytics.
A dashboard that highlights a recruiter's candidate pipeline
A recruiter starting to use LinkedIn Recruiter to find and connect with candidates
Join the conversation 

You’re invited to join the LinkedIn Recruiter Network, a group for talent professionals to connect and engage in constructive conversation.

  • Discuss industry trends
  • Provide thought leadership
  • Seek peer advice
  • Share LinkedIn Recruiter best practices