Meet New Recruiter & Jobs
See New Recruiter & Jobs workflow in action. Learn how to create a unified pipeline of sourced leads and job applicants, get recommended candidate matches, and improve your overall productivity in Recruiter.
Meet New Recruiter & Jobs
See New Recruiter & Jobs workflow in action. Learn how to create a unified pipeline of sourced leads and job applicants, get recommended candidate matches, and improve your overall productivity in Recruiter.
Recruiter mobile app
Use the new app to search, message candidates, and access your projects from wherever you are. With all the key Recruiter features on your phone, you can stay on top of your work from anywhere.
Tour Recruiter homepage
Take a quick tour of the New Recruiter & Jobs homepage. Learn how you can start a new search, easily resume work on an existing project, quickly review profile feedback, and check your notifications.
Explore Recruiter projects
Get a brief introduction to the new Recruiter projects experience. Learn how to automatically run a search when you create a project, manage candidates across multiple hiring channels, and centralize all your work in one place.
Step-by-step guide
From jump-starting your sourcing with Recommended Matches to adding screening questions and job posts, download our Step-by-step guide to help you navigate the features of New Recruiter & Jobs.
Run a search
Recruiter offers several ways to structure your search to easily find the candidates you need. Watch this video to learn how to search by job title, ideal candidate, and Boolean keyword.
Refine search results with filters
Search filters allow you to refine your search for the exact right talent. Watch this video to learn tips and best practices for using search filters in Recruiter.
Save a search and set an alert
Save your current search criteria so that you can easily return to the search anytime. Watch this video to learn how to get alerted when new profiles match your saved search criteria.
Explore the Recruiter profile page
Take a quick tour of the new Recruiter candidate profile page. Learn how to tag a team member in a note, respond in-line to notes, view a candidate’s complete LinkedIn profile, and never lose your place in a search.
Reach candidates with InMail
Contact anyone on LinkedIn by sending an InMail — no contact information required. Watch this video and learn how to save time with reusable templates and personalized messages to candidates.
Check out Recruiter Jobs
Take a quick tour of the new Recruiter Jobs experience. Learn how to post a job, efficiently manage applicants and Recommended Matches within a project, view job stats, and send rejection messages.
Review the Recruiter admin settings
Learn how to manage Recruiter contract settings and user seat assignment tasks to ensure you’re getting the most out of your LinkedIn investment. This course is for Recruiter administrators.
Make the most of Job Wrapping
LinkedIn Job Wrapping automatically copies jobs in bulk from your applicant tracking system or career site. In this quick course, learn how Job Wrapping works, the benefits it offers, and best practices for wrapping your jobs.
Job Wrapping workflow guide
From Job Wrapping best practices to recommended workflows, download our New Recruiter & Jobs: Job Wrapping workflow guide to make the most out of your workflow in this new product.
Increase team collaboration
Learn how to create a more streamlined and productive sourcing process by sharing profiles for review, adding team members to your projects, and increasing collaboration with your hiring managers and teammates.
Provide feedback on candidates
Get a quick overview of how to access, review, and provide feedback on profiles that have been shared with you, and learn how your feedback helps your hiring manager or teammates ensure they’re on the right track.
Master LinkedIn Recruiter
Take this assessment to check your knowledge and reinforce the concepts you’ve learned as you work toward mastering LinkedIn Recruiter. This assessment has 25 questions and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Use the Talent Insight Report in Recruiter
Get an overview of how Talent Insights is integrated with Recruiter and learn how you and your hiring manager can use Talent Insights to make data-informed decisions, and improve your overall sourcing strategy.
Manage Recruiter users in Account Center
Learn how to access the Account Center from Recruiter, select a license and add-ons for new users, and edit, reassign, or park existing user licenses. This tip sheet is for Recruiter admins with access to Account Center.
Hiring managers corner*
Take the Hiring Manager’s Guide to Success with New Recruiter and Jobs course, which empowers you to drive value from LinkedIn Recruiter. It’s perfect for hiring managers with Recruiter seats.
Live webinars*
Join instructor-led webinars to learn the essentials of LinkedIn Recruiter. View dates and times for sessions covering everything from beginner courses to advanced talent acquisition strategies.
Want to learn more?
Check out the Learning Center, where you can shape your path to success with Recruiter through specialized learning tracks, online tutorials, downloadable tip sheets, and expert-led live webinars.
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*English only
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